Why haven't you switched sides?

You should find the Ukrainian population standing their ground against the superior Russian military inspiring. This is a classic David and Goliath story.

Attached: Ukraine-Flag.png (1600x1067, 9.02K)

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no this is more like rebels vs the empire in Star Wars

I don’t give a single fuck about ANY retarded euroniggers. All of you. Eat shit and die or don’t my life doesn’t change either way. You gleefully shit on America 24/7 until you need help and support (because you suck) then you faggots have the audacity to get mad at those of us are like no fuck you if we’re so stupid and useless take care of it yourselves. You don’t need our support financially or otherwise you guys are so much better and smarter I’m sure you’ve totally got this. Good fucking luck!

Trudeau Leaf

We all know russia is at a 3 right now, if they want this shit at 11 it’s Baghdad 2.0 and its done

my ass has been widened by negro meat

Not my problem

Don't need to switch side. Slava Ukraini.

Goliath wasn't cut of from all of the Near East for his actions.

fuck them and their mother

Because furries live in the Ukraine

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>This is a classic David and Goliath story.
shut up loser. The Ukraine is Russian clay. The 20th Century doesnt mean shit

I never understood this shit, I'm eating an apple and about to go play vidya as soon as this torrent downloads why would my opinion matter for anything?

>David and Goliath
Yeah that's cool. David Russia going against Goliath Ukraine, Germany, USA, Italy, Canada, rest of NATO, random twitter bots. And to think this is all on Russia's border

Would you not fight to defend your country if Mexico invaded because of gay niggas in California?

American faggot

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no sneedback

>This is a classic David and Goliath story
Putin is shorter than Zelensky

What the fuck are you even doing in Ukraine? How can burgers even be this dumb?
Even if Russia is completely in the wrong you gave them all the justifications they need to easily frame everything as a direct result of your aggression.

Siding with the weak because they're weak is a female instinct.

I agree. Western media is really going all out here. Nonstop spamming for Ukraine support, taking snippets of Putin's speeches to make him look as bad as possible, riling up retards who just do what they're told. They really don't want people questioning why Russia is surrounded by threats and enemies

See exactly you don’t deserve Jack shit why don’t you display a little patriotism for once and go die for your European shithole. Leave us out of it

As a big LS Magazine fan, I completely side with Ukraine.

I don't give a shit about Ukrainians, but I live to hate Russians.

Attached: koskenkorva.jpg (1280x1256, 163.34K)

Nah it’s more like that thing in Harry Potter (haven seen it so can’t really complete the joke)

We shouldn’t be there. Should’ve never been. We shouldn’t tangled up with European counties at all.

It's amazing. It really is.

>You should find the Ukrainian population standing their ground against the superior Russian military inspiring. This is a classic David and Goliath story.
This. I've never imagined that Ukranians are such brave people.

It isn't, Ukraine is getting utterly buttfucked you shills and Bunkertroons, as well as Plebbitors need to GTFO

Attached: anonomyous hero.png (1024x975, 572.3K)

They tried to leave. The corrupt stooges decided they need to die for israel

>superior Russian military
It isn't superior the Russians are low IQ drunks. Putin is already begging for talks Ukraine has defeated them.

mexico is invading and there are gay niggers in california making me not care about it
does that help at all

If you support Ukraine, you're supporting George Soros

They're literally right outside of Kyiv right now.

Attached: 1645804150956.png (1280x859, 537.4K)

Consider this: they got exactly what they deserved