Why does it feel like Russia is holding back?

This doesn't feel like a full-blown war to me. Where are the massive troop movements and the combat footage of those battles? Where are the large scale aircraft bombings? All we have so far is sporadic footage of singular aircraft being shot down, singular ballistic missiles here and there. But nothing is happening on a large scale. I don't see massive artillery barrages, bombing runs, tank charges, huge fire fights. Compare this to the Iraq war where you had massive military operations everywhere and plenty of footage despite there being no smartphones at the time. I remember as a kid seeing footage of cities at night with fire and explosions everywhere. Even WWII had more footage.

It feels like Russia is holding back, either they are too afraid to go all-in due to the large amount of casualties that it would result, or Putin wasn't betting on an actual war (maybe he thought that NATO would accept his terms rather than risk war) and simply had to go for it hoping it would be over quickly. The whole conflict just feels off to me, and the level of shilling is incredibly annoying. I know even the Germans needed more than a month to take Poland, but still, I expected the war to be more intense like we saw in Iraq. It feels more like a minor incursion.

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Maybe minimising collateral damage. We will have to see what happens in Kiev.

Bruh, you watched the speech by Putin?

he literally refers to ukranians as family. Seems to want to have as little casulties among civilians and get rid of current goverment

no shit. all serious military analysts have noted this. the USA would have bombed for weeks before moving ground forces in. russia is trying to use the bare minimum of force needed to win.

they are for sure holding back. the russians also seem to have been instructed to not show or film dead ukrainians. it would be moronic to believe that no hohol has died as of yet


>Bruh, you watched the speech by Putin?
None of them do, they might realize he's right.

Snake island is fake?

Because they don’t want to actually kill most ethnic Russians?
>it’s over user, he didn’t take a country the size of Texas in 48 hours
Uh huh

All he wants from ukraine is not to be antagonistic towards Russia and not join NATO. It is pretty clear in all his speeches. He thinks he is talking to reasonable people. But Hitler thought the same.

WHERE IS ALL THE KILLER DRONE FOOTAGE?!!!! why are we seeing vids of like single citizen dying instead of thousands gone in a flash …. this fake and also gay

This is a manufactured CNN fake war.
It's far more boring and diplomatic which bothers CNN, which is why they are dramatizing everything and trying to scare people and hype them up.
Also makes prices more volatile which serves the globohomo financial interests.

They are not our friends.

Rules of engagement so they minimize casualties. After all, if Russians win this war without a massacre all those "last hospital in Aleppo" CNN memes go down the shitter.

They dont want to become their enemys propaganda department

Russian army is badly organized 2000 deaths already they can't just march into a city 50% of Ukrainians have guns they will be diminished. All they do is send tanks that get blown up.

>But Hitler thought the same.

Attached: retard.webm (500x375, 2.12M)

You fucking retard go on independent news and go watch videos of Ukrainian and Russian president speeches. This war is real and I hope u die

>2000 deaths already
We don't know shit, so every time I see this, I'm convinced the poster is either a glownigger or a dimwit.

Attached: germany.jpg (314x475, 29.73K)

Because it is. I think Ukraine is just a testing ground for Russians against a modern army, just like Afghanistan was a testing ground for mutts

IIRC Russians announced they captured 30 or so people on the island, the radio transmission and a claim everyone got killed might be a fake

I know I've been waiting for this shit yet still nothing maybe 2 weeks more.

Its made for TV

>It feels like Russia is holding back
They do. Putin's objective isn't Ukraine's destruction. Full blown-war will only happen if NATO actually does something.

because they'd rather just take ukraine without the effort and risks involved with war.

light bombing will get less of a reaction from the world and will leave Ukraine in a better state therefor more useful of an asset to russia

its like would you rather fight ufc champion for a million dollars,
or just say youd fight them and then get the money without having to fight

War changes depending of tech... it will never be like wwii, just like wwi was not like wwi

There is only one way to prove this invasion is righteous it's to discredit all the accusations the supposed fake media is doing.
If soldiers dies in the name of not hurting civilians they will be martyrs but it will discredit some kind of hitler invasion.

I still don't believe any side is correct because of WEF.

For now they're attempting to subdue Ukraine with as little force as they can, decapitate the Government in Kiev and cut off major population centres. I'm convinced that the gloves will come off if Ukraine continues to put up heavy resistance.

Logically speaking, a modern army would also use some pretty sweet tactics and manoeuvres. Now it seems a total mess. Are they holding those back too?

It's likely the drones either got first striked or they can't really operate them without air superiority

Besides disrupting NATO, you have to imagine other priorities. To the extent possible, while still having a clear victory:
Limit civilian damage
Limit future 'insurgent' potential
Limit western intelligence around russian military potential (use old arms first)
Have large proportion of army and officers get on the ground experience for future conflict

Well Ukraine is also holding back. Giving guns to random civilians?? LMAO
Why are there fighting age men at all without uniform and unit? Why did they not draft every fighting age male weeks ago?
We had already drafted everyone from 10 - 70 years when the Russians entered our country. This is not like a country that is in war for survival with enemy troops inside, its like they want to lose in a ordered manner.

They don’t want to reveal all their cards either. I think Putin’s willing to suffer unnecessary losses to improve tactics when the real war begins

Where the fuck do you come up with this “2000 deaths” bullshit? God you faggots are so stupid

Not exterminating ALL Ukranians will prove to be a grave mistake.

Putin views Ukrainians as family but Ukranian don't view Putin or Russians as family. This relationship will backfire.

Once occupation is complete. Ukraninas will start guerrilla warfaring until the Russians pull out like they did in Afghanistan.

This mistake might cost Putin his life.

Putin is fucking retarded if he doesn't genocide Ukrainians

It's obvious why the russian soldiers are Chechens and muttoids its just cannon fodder.

Putin's discourse is that he is trying to free Ukraine from its evil neo-nazi sockpuppet government.
Going "all out" would only discredit him and alienate both Ukrainian and Russian people, who let's not forget are very close.

NPCs remain NPCs. I don't even look up at mainstream news because it's all bullshit.

Weren't you retards saying that Ukrainians = Russians, now they're a separate group to exterminate?

>Why does it feel like Russia is holding back?
who knows, but what we do know is russia can and will win, there's just not enough troops in ukraine to defend against the 2nd largest army in the world.

Now why putin is holding back could be because of multiple reasons and probably has to due with US jewish fuckery and glow niggers. Reminder putin views ukraine and its people as russia, he doesn't want to kill any people. It's kind of hard to do that when theres a shit ton of ukrainian pigs mixed in with the civilians in high rise buildings in kiev.

>russians are a hivemind