Nasheedbros, i don't feel so good

Nasheedbros, i don't feel so good...

Attached: BUILTFOR.jpg (810x1562, 441.26K)

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sometimes nigsheed is alright


Attached: YouGottaProblrmWithThat.jpg (939x583, 76.21K)

Nothing will ever be enough, remember that.

Na, sneed.

Attached: aumFl65.png (750x920, 1.14M)

>Oooooo massa you gon make me squirt

Is the jew bragging about some ritual where people got killed?

her nom will never go to a vote

White and black nationalists are best friends

(those people always use double meanings to signal something to their fellows)

He ain't wrong. It's a symbolic gesture and he's processing it as such.

i really need to watch buck breaking

Jews love black cock

I will never understand you americans fetish towards black people.
Why you want to be ruled by blacks so much?
Nothing good comes from that, i mean, look at the third world lol

>ruled by blacks
nobody wants to be ruled by blacks. this is a political tool.

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What does he expect? Niggers vote for the benefit of niggers. That's why she was chosen.
Also, niggers are now very over represented.
America will be a 3rd world nation in my lifetime.

Husband looks very, very Jewish

Blacks don't want to be ruled by blacks. They are (((instructed))) to say otherwise.

get the thong out yo bussy playa

NaSNEED lmao gottem

blackbois mad

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A whole room full of people who fuck black women

I don’t need to look him up to know that he’s just English/Scottish

>not a single obese fag present
we need to go back. also, i might need to take the neckpill