Had Western Bread and Circus gone too far? This entering cult levels of insanity

Had Western Bread and Circus gone too far? This entering cult levels of insanity.

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Americans are so insulated from the rest of the world it's insane.

Can't tell if satire or real....

Reddit and Twitter users should be sent to the gaschambers 1st, even before the kikes.


its a worthless cultural source, unless you are interested in western state propaganda that poses as "organic"

>Any Forums laughs at ugly wojak edits all day and meme about who's the seething chud and who's the handsome Chad
>gets mad when randos make pop culture references
It's all cringe, but why pretend that a few online weirdos mean anything? 9/11 devianart pics are still more "omg western society bread and circuses" than this.

>Had Western Bread and Circus gone too far?
Yes we fucking have and it's because no one actually knows history and no one actually has a religion that's not consumerism/movies.

First of all, Biden is obviously Ol’ Palpy- secondly, these faggots are giving Russia waaaaaayyy too much credit. Anyways, they already wasted this reference on NaZiS and claim that Russians were the good guys on that one (hilariously). I fucking give up.

>no one actually has a religion
This has always been weird conservative cope; justifying the need for religion as the need to not become cringe star wars fans doesn't make sense as it assumes one can't do both. Justifying faith based conservative societal control as a way to fill a vacuum that would be filled with Disney merchandise only makes sense as far as church funding would go and masks the real intent of supporting conservative values. It's hard to sell conservative values to contemporary consoomers, so I can see why memes like that would catch on.

Knowing history is a weird one to throw in there though. Why is that?

What the fuck. This is so infantile while real people are dying.
It is. Americans are ruled by their media companies

Yes but so has being a glowie, and you glow.

Woah! just like in my marvel movies! EPIC

that's consooming until a literal brainwash

lol it's tl;dr for sure but you become exteremly annoying just a few words in. I'm sorry you're sucha faggot but any who reads this shit is just as gay as you. Also, ounwill never be a woman.

Mutts are retards, media has turned their minds into mush. Just look at this thread

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>that flag calling anyone else a glowie

Jews did their job, brainwashing kids instead of giving them a decent education I mean, well.

I'm surprised how it's always the same shit, have these retards only watched Star Wars in their life?

the retweet is satire, i follow him

It happens here too pal

>you can be religious and a cringe star wars fan
This concept is too much for you to handle.

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typical leftists trying to make everything about theirselves

The west suffers from mass scale mental illness and moral rot. I wish individual Ukrainians the best but this is the kind of shit you’re in for when you align with the west

I don't understand why they have a problem with palpatine. He literally won by democratic means, isn't that their goal?

don't worry, the strong women of ukraine have got this.

leftists are like niggers, both will try to make everything about them

we'll fight til the last for our liberty

you find this morally/mentally wrong?
>You are A Pussy

Normal countries have history
Americans have fucking lore

Somebody save us from these immortal desiring faggots

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and for the liberty of everyone else that doesnt want to be annoyed by niggers or temporarily embarrassed hollywood wannabes?

Fake and gay. Western propaganda is low quality af.


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