This is a colossal fuckup by Russia/Putin

This is a colossal fuckup by Russia/Putin.

I want to support Russia. I have no love for the EU/US, and hate globohomo. I hate what the west has become. I know a ton of people feel the same way, and would even in some situations be open to Chinese/Russian rule. But what Russia has opted for instead is senseless brutality against their little brother. Instead of leading by example, helping the countries around their sphere of influence grow, develop and become successful together - they instead opt for pointless battles of conquest.

Ukraine had a large majority of its population sympathetic to Russia. In most parts of the country, Russian is the main language. Instead of working with their neighbor, they have decided to hurt and inflict suffering upon them.

When Russia had everything going for them, they decided they will just choose senseless violence and throw it all away. Fuck Russia, fuck evil, fuck the antichrist

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he's not chucklin

You can thank NATO and kike government for escalation.

Globohomo faggots never want to compromise even a little

This war is terrible for ordinary people.
Putin has fucking lost it.

Ukraine government had a coup, half the country wanted nothing to do with it, the new government begins KILLING the secessionist

You support that, why? Because pelosi Kerry and Biden have children making bribe money from the new Ukraine government? Fuck that

You’re corrupt and so is your ideology

Degeneracy or not, trannies running around everywhere or not, Russia cannot be tolerated to treat countries around its borders like bitches. Ukraine, like Poland, has suffered much under Russian rule, and it shouldnt be surprising why they would rather fight to the death than live under these tyrants

If you think this is about Ukraine you're braindead.

>In most parts of the country, Russian is the main language.
Is that why the coup government wanted to outlaw Russian language? Oooof

Ethnocide is cool when it’s against whites right

You are too much propaganda or are a russian shill hiding behind the flag.

Its not, but its irrelevant. Evil is evil, and if you think being mistreated justifies destroying countless lives, then you are only one thing to most of us in eastern Europe: the enemy

The actions of the Jewish administration in Ukraine is propaganda? I’ve not made anything up. You can’t even defend yourself you just attack the messenger

This "what-about-ism" when it comes to Russia/pro-Russians in some of the most tiring shit. None of this is remotely relevant or justifies throwing lives senselessly like this

Russia could have Ukraine, and probably over time, most of E. Europe without firing a single shot if only they came as friends instead of as mongol barbarians

>"and would even in some situations be open to Chinese/Russian rule."
You dumb shit. Russia is a Jewish controlled kleptocracy run by a ruthless ex-KGB agent and China is a brutal state-capitalist authoritarian regime, who cares little for its own citizens and even less for non Han-Chinese. They will cut off your nutsack and your big ears and force you to pick cotton for Nike™ for the rest of our life if they had the ability to do so. It's homosexuals like you who keeps selling us the idea that shitholes like China and Russia will eventually become okay, if we just keep buying their garbage.

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Shouldn't have mistreated us, just sayin.

Then you are nothing but a wild dog or a school shooter who needs to be put down. Yes, what happened to you is lamentable and unfair, but if your solution is to lash out at the world, you are a failure that civilized people need to put down

You talking about Russia is what aboutism

The coup and murder of civilians by Ukraine government happened first, it went on for years, 80% of the Minsk violations were Ukrainian targeting cities

Now you’re giving me what aboutnrussia

If you don’t know The Who what where’s and whys then stay in your lane

>start a war
>we reply
>"wtf you are evil"

Why couldnt you stay in your country, which btw takes up a hell of a large part of the earth, and develop yourself further? If you feel so threatened, develop your military and nukes and stay within your border?

Once you start treating the countries around as nothing but buffer states, dont be surprised if the amount of sympathy for you is very limited

When Cuba chose USSR as its defense partner we agreed to deescalate. When the same happened in Ukraine you didn't agree to deescalate. This blood is on your hands.

Nigger none of these justify what your country did yesterday. These are injustices, yes, but what you did in response isnt proportionate or even appropriate

Ok, why didn't you prevent this.

The relationship with Russia always was like with a family member who raped you (and some others) during your childhood and appeared to make a turn for the better, only to return back to the old ways.
There was peace, there was cooperation, there were friendly gestures, but never trust.

No, its called the jews installed a puppet government and refused to listen to the people of ukraine..

these jews refused to negotiate with putin and wanted to harm him, so he did whats best for the russian and ukranian people and is taking out the jewish puppet government.

ukraine is russian clay and always has been, those are russian people, hence why he doesnt want to kill civllians.

stop trying to make a spin on this to make putin the bad guy.

Fuck rusniggers

just wait until the jews push u into taking more "Refugees" from africa. then you will be crying to join russia again you dumb little cuckboy.

>hence why he doesnt want to kill civllians
Too bad, in a war there will be civilian casualties, their livelihoods ruined, the economy of their country ruined and guess who are getting conscripted? That's right, civilians.

>stop trying to make a spin on this to make putin the bad guy.
You stop trying to make Putin is not a son of a Jew and that neither are oligarchs.

i hear you polish user
but you have to understand
russia was intentionally pushed into a no win situation by the globohomo who desperately need this war

attack and get branded evil hitler and (consequences)
sit back and end up like iraq, libya and syria
russia really had no winning move

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You know this is the real kino end result. Ukraine is a bullshit corrupt state but that doesn't mean Russia isn't one too.

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Sorry about your butt, fren

>The relationship with Russia always was like with a family member who raped you (and some others) during your childhood and appeared to make a turn for the better, only to return back to the old ways.
Best post in this thread