Smile at girl

>smile at girl
>she smiles back
>talk to her about random shit
>she smiles
>I smile
>idk what else to say
>cya later then

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why you a man feeling inferior to women
i remember fuckin girl in first date she resist for 3 minutes then give it all
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R9k is that way

>ask her name
>give your name
>ask her number
>if she gives it to you, thank her and leave, call her next day
>if she doesn't give it to you, say "okay" and leave
>rinse repeat with next girl
Really not rocket science

>you VILL lovingly accept my virility
>you VILL be the instrument of the establishment of my progeny
>you VILL be the embodiment of my will and spirit in the household

What about asking her opinion about the ukrainian war and why jews should be genocided

Ask for her number or instagram or some shit and then message her after a day or two and then meet up and fuck her. Don't spend any money.

You only get to make a first impression once, and all you need to do is talk to her and ask her things, i.e show an interest; comment on things she has done, like her hair style, dress sense etc, show you've noticed her 2 hours of getting ready on a morning were not in vain.
You should try doing it with all women, even ones you're not into, as it is good practise for when this situation comes up, so you don't ruin it.

You're supposed to show her your benis

Seems like she's the one with shit conversation skills. Don't beat yourself up.

>call her next day
to talk about what ?

>be greek

I would smile back and suck your cock...

>hey so ive gotta get going but ive really enjoyed this little chat and would like to get to know you more. Can i have your number to talk to you again?
Then text her to set up time and place. Text her "hey" on day of then as soon as she texts back call her. On the call ask her if shes still good to meet up and you look forward to it. Meet up with her and have fun time again.

Dont make it weird, youre just talking to a girl.

Why not just talk there? Or invite her to do something at that moment? Why wait an arbitrary time?

You handled this correctly.

Not only practice but it makes more women react to you very positively. Women are social as fuck and when they come around and see all of the other women going on about how everything you are youll be elevated leaps and bounds in their status charts.

You cant assume they arent headed somewhere but yeah if it's going good and shes not seemingly in a rush you should move it to a place to sit/eat/drink whatever.

Hey, you're pretty good.

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>smile at girl
>she looks horrified
>ask her how she's doing
>she begins walking away quickly

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>never smile because I'm alpha
>girl is checking me out, walks by me
>tell her I like her earrings
>face lights up "oh really I usually don't wear these ones because blah blah"
>I never saw you around before, my name's X
>"oh cool I'm Y"
>you're not wearing makeup today
>"yeah haha I never do"
>ah looks lovely. Let me get your number
>"ok! It's xxx"
It's that easy folks

To try and set up a date. Only "talk" in person texts and calls are for setting up dates.

I am my town's rapist and I agree