Russian posters

go fuck yourself.

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nigger sneed

go away, poo, we have more important things to attend to than throwing rocks at you

no you go fuck yourself stupid mutt

Tranny OP has VAIDS

no you dont

I still don't hate the russians.
Maybe if you make another thread.

you kill yourself nigger



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Is telling somebody to go fuck themselves really that much of an insult if they then proceed to immediately kill you? It's basically an invitation to masturbate over your dead corpse.

Russia is CGI.


>you are now aware that the reason this board turned into "jew jew jew" and "tranny tranny tranny" it's because of these little shits trying to stir things up on both sides of the political divide for manlet Putin

It's not that putin is bad, it's that biden and western leaders are retards. Putin tried every angle, from trying to open diplomatic negotiations, to movilizing troops to show he was serious, and to sending troops to ukraine. The western leadership did jack shit.
If your gf is misbehaving (ukraine moving towards nato), you try to talk about it and she keeps it up, you try showing her there will be repercusions and she still keeps it up, and you finally give and ultimatum and she doesn't do anything, you are 100% justified in and you are in fact forced to do what you said you would do. Putin couldn't pull back on his threats or he would lose all credibility. The russian invasion of ukraine is 100% the west's fault. This could have been fixed weeks ago by either stating that ukraine would never join nato or, the riskiest but most convenient option for the west, getting it into nato. Now it's too late for the second option as it would be too much of an escalation and could lead to actual war. Sanctions won't do shit. Biden is a fucking retard.
Western analysts didn't think putin would pull the trigger because the west has a cuck mentality and projected it on russia

I e-mailed Hiroshima Nagasaki to range ban Russian IP. You can do the same.


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>Putin tried every angle

He's a little baby that couldn't accept that the Ukrainian people rejected him, same as the Russian people would reject him if they could. He literally started a war over his fee-fees.

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Stand with russia, hope they can liberate us from this hell

Seethe harder mutt! God bless Putin and russia

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