Jesus Christ the amount of disinformation and fake news about this war is terrible

Jesus Christ the amount of disinformation and fake news about this war is terrible.

Were all wars like this 100 years ago? 500 years ago?

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well since rome im pretty much cicero was a master of shilling but ye the sheer ammount is unreal

There is no internet 100 years ago

Always were

The internet is like the printing press or the telegram. Or railroads. It's a huge advancement in warfare. Social media companies should be held accountable as taking money from enemy propagandists and profiting from enemy subversion.

>Were all wars like this 100 years ago?
Yes. WW1 propaganda was laughably absurd looking at it from a modern perspective. Sweeping cavalry charges winning the day, germans beheading nuns and so forth.

Teddy Roosevelt’s Spanish American war was a complete hoax. Look up some pictures.

Also the internet didnt matter in war until everyone was online. And we have all been online since only 2010-2011. That's when the number of cellular devices with internet (smartphones) surpassed the population of the planet.

since time immemorial, user.
military is just one part of the war. if you can make people believe you're winning, they'll most likely join your side to end it quicker

A wise man once said: "All warfare is based on deception"

Propaganda is even more important than the war itself. Good propaganda can inspire, demoralize, turn heroes into vile criminals and barbarians into saints. It was always like this. The only difference is that youre able to get an absurd amount of information, from dozens of individuals parties with hundreds of individual reasons and agendas.

War was always like this,youre just seeing a lot more of the propaganda.

>internet is a huge advancement in warfare
We are at the biplane or bucket-tank stage right now. Expect rapid progress.
>The 19th century didn't end in 1901. It ended with WW1. The 20th century didn't end in 2001. It is ending now.

Back then you wouldn't hear shit until months later when it was basically over. The war has barely even started but today people expect it to be over in 2 days.

100 years ago the only information you got about wars came from pre-approved military films shown at the theater.

Probably, not as much as today though with the internet and all. It's in both sides interest to keep morale high.

Sucks for observers but it will all become clear in a few weeks when in all likelyhood Ukraine will be fully Russian occupied.

It was even worse 500 years ago, when the printing press facilitated the first mass media propaganda. All enemies were the antichrist, witches, in league with Satan, the scourge of god. The most printed things weren't books, it was leaflets that spread information about the scandalous things done by the enemy or in a far away war. The more outrageously cruel and horrifying, the better these things sold.

Word of mouth propaganda is even older, of course, but this strategy is old as fuck.

Probably not but you weren't spammed by it through the Internet/news/papers/etc.

I'm pretty sure they did not have the internet back then.

Worse. At least now you have some randoms making videos once in a while.
Back then all you had was the word of the victor.

Based history buff

Not finding what youre talking about but very interested. Explain?

>Were all wars like this
Yes. Disinfo will be spread ESPECIALLY in war.
You have to read between the lines and understand how liars operate (mostly by trying to evoke emotions).

The memes were better back then

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