They're next

They're next.

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Poland.svg.png (1200x750, 5.24K)

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Russia is losing right now, chud.

If Poland is attacked then you have full blown WW3. Ironically key player in NATO defense line, along with Latvia and Lithuania.

Russian forces are all around Kyiv, it's over.
Good luck. Poland has the best army in Europe

Good. They're a security risk both to the EU and Russia. By chosing to be a US proxy, they chose death.

Attached: 1578209984896.jpg (720x1165, 64.21K)

NATO will probably abandon us lol

Not with all these troops they sent recently. They have too good buffer ground in Poland. It is basically border of civilized Europe.

dude i don't care, i'll end it rather than serve, that's how my brain operates

You should have accepted those syriaj migrants, poles chuds.
No one will come to rescue your sorry ass now.

пoхyй жe.

I am buffed up like a Ukrainian right now. Every lost kilometre of Ukrainian land was like my own it was quite a shock for me, and is right now. I am pretty Fuck Russians let them come. I know I may regret that, but fuck you don’t live forever, and this cannot stand.

I don’t want war, but fuck em. Seriously.

i hope so

We will not fight against Chechen technology tho. You better remember about this. This Z forces were simply Chechenia.


If anything happens to my friends or family and I get handed a gun I have a full intention to commit unspeakable war crimes on soldiers.

Our land may be flat, but we've got plenty of woods. They won't be able to pick all of us out.

Baltics are next.

Russia won't accept the massive. buildup of forces there.

Attached: 1645747182236.webm (848x464, 252.85K)


Deny harder, Mykola.

>Dat ID
It triggers the die cis scum globohomo.

There was a time, when Ukrainians didn’t know that Russians will try to kill them off.
As a Polack I knew my destiny is to kill Russians, unfortunately. Not because I want to, but because they will force me to do it.


Meh, gotta die somehow, might as well take some russians with me if i get lucky.

No they aren't, if Russia attacks Poland then it's really going full retard.

Attached: 1E58E049-3781-487F-8A01-21BFEEB6246F.png (639x820, 118.1K)

Considering how much more developed Poland is than Ukraine, this would mean Russia's total collapse. Anyway, how would Russia fund the war against a NATO country? It's not like they have unlimited resources, however big they are.