Zelensky kneels! NOW he wants to discuss "neutrality" and not being a little lapdog bitch of the US state department

Zelensky kneels! NOW he wants to discuss "neutrality" and not being a little lapdog bitch of the US state department.

That's what happens when you trust the CIA and sell out your own people to help American imperial interests.
Seriously, fuck this two faced piece of shit.

PS he's big in the Panama Papers too, anyone remember that.

Oh also from the RT article:
>Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Thursday that “neutral status and rejection of hosting [offensive] weapons systems” are Putin’s “red lines” for Ukraine and that the ball was now in Kiev's court.
That is totally reasonable. That is correct. Putin is correct. This whole thing is because the US used Zelensky as a dog to get missiles in Putin's backyard. Kek. Putin is in the right. The US caused this war and Putin is in the right.

Attached: zelensky.png (824x630, 228.82K)

Other urls found in this thread:


yeah try better next time.

Fuck off VPN bolshevik nigger.
hang every red communist dog

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>Lose Day 1
>Spread propaganda
Kek faggots are desperate

It pisses me off so bad to see the evil shit the US does and then turn around and say "OMG Vladimir Putin is trying to restore the old Soviet Union! Psychopath! Ebil! Must be stopped!"

Fuck, WE ARE THE BAD GUY. People have started to get an idea of that but they still don't know just how deceptive and evil and imperialistic we truly are

Ah yes, neutrality at the barrel of a gun.

So neutral infact that the owner of said gun is able to draw up the borders of your state and what your foreign polict is allowed to be.

So neutral

Oh my god, what are you guys like on the side of the god damned CIA over here?

Don't stop until the jew Zelenski is dead and Ukraine is given back to it's citizens.

Get off VPN and post again

It's happened. Any Forums has officially become cucked to the CIA and Pentagon's propaganda now. They officially got you idiots to support WW3 for no reason just like they got you all to support Iraq and everything else

take off vpn

Zelensky is ready to spread his buttcheeks for Putin's large Comrade.

Ok Kremlin shill

It was reported here by local news aswell.

This kike clown should fuck off from Ukraine a

Penny starting to drop Ukraine! You been mugged by NATO!

take off vpn

It's almost as if people aren't happy about a foreign power dictating who and what a state can do, and if you genuinely are American should at least show some sympathy because you fought for independence under similar pretences.

Imagine invading a country only to withdraw the second they promise (with empty words) to stay neutral.

The JIDF and CIA trolls are on duty, they have comment boards to invade. #KONY2012

Because this place is mostly glowniggers and reddit tier trannies.

Never said I supported a third world war, GRU shill.

Anyone with half a working braincell can see that this is a shit deal for Ukraine and Russia is essentially attempting to vassalise them in real time.

>Russia’s foreign minister, Sergey V. Lavrov, dismissed Ukraine’s offer to negotiate. He said at a news conference in Moscow that President Volodymyr Zelensky was “lying” in saying he was ready to discuss a neutral status for Ukraine, Russian news agencies reported.

ivan just changing your flag doesnt mean anyone believes you, just like walking around in ukrainian uniforms doesnt mean you wont get shot

Correct no one wants some diaper wearing faggot in washington DC telling their country to be a puppet state and money laundering operation.

Well he is lying. I mean that much is a "no duh"

Or a manlet in the Kremlin drawing up your state borders

Do you have any other sources for the Zelensky quotes about NATO other than RT? I can't share them if they're RT because no one believes them.

zelenskys phenotype is truly awful. they're little angry cunt bird people.

Nobody wants some corrupt oligarch calling the shots

Yea what the fuck, you just turned this around entirely. The US is the one running around outside it's borders engineering everything and running a global shadowstate. Has been forever. We aren't hiding it. It's not a "conspiracy theory". We are pretty public about our interests and manipulations in Ukraine. God knows what's happening not-publicly but the US certainly wanted to use Ukraine to get missiles right up Putins ass

i would guess that if zelensky signed some deal he'd have a couple of weeks and then would find himself under investigation like all the other UKR oligarchs for corruption.
his best move is to retire to geneva and go back to making skits.

Yes, they are literal CIA. There's only like 15 of them but they get paid to post dog shit all day

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Why the fuck didn't he do this to begin with? What the hell did he expect, that America was gonna swoop in and save his country?

This fucking moron should have done this with the USA from the very beginning

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Yeah I don't like Nancy Pelosi either.

Sorry niggers the US has been doing this shit for decades and it's nice to see it coming to an end. I'm tired of white christian males thinking they're gonna defend their country only to die for kike interests and corruption. Putin said stay neutral and Obama/Biden said look there is money to be made in ukraine let's make it a puppet state. You faggots get what you deserve siding with the zog run empire.

seethe, nigger.
Everybody knows Putin is in Ukraine to wipe out the US influence. If not then you have been asleep at the wheel, fren...
>Obamanigger is president
>Biden threatens aide for Ukraine through means of blackmail, live, on CNN
>media ignores it, down plays it
>Biden installs his retarded son and lackies into positions of power in the Ukraine FUEL INDUSTRY
>Ukraine politicians speak out globally and expose it on an international level
>people die
>Hunters dick pic and drug problem travels the internet
>MSM memory holes in
>Biden lackies remain in positions of power in Ukraine
>Biden becomes pres of US
>Putin starts planning for war
>mfm retards are shocked

Of course Putin is going wipe those shitheads out of power. Why the fuck would he not? He's spending billions building a fucking pipe line and Ukraines biggest supplier of power was compromised by the Bidens. You would have to be some kind of special retard to not understand what's going on in Ukraine.

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White people and western world should be nuked
- tricky
- lying
- full of emotions everytime
- virtual signaling (crackers don’t care about colored people actually. Anti racism = fake)

GOD I hate white crackers so fucking much

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>Neighboring slavic country not wanting it's neighbor to be part of a international alliance that would put the troops of a opposing faction literally next to it's capital
>International pedophile jewish empire that imports millions of mexicans to subvert it's own native population that coup'd Ukraine to get a pro-Western leader into power
Both factions are "foreign powers" you fucking retard and one is clearly more in the right then the other

My guess is he got strung along by the CIA. "Oh, don't worry, we'll protect you. You just put these missiles out there for us so antagonize Russia, we'll protect you!" and then when push came to shove they naturally bailed.

Either they (CIA pentagon state department) wanted this to happen to try to start world war 3 or they were genuinely just incredibly, incredibly fucking dumb thinking Putin would stand for their bullshit.

Don't bother. One with the bong flag is a toilet cleaner. The leaf is from the community of Ukrainian immigrants.

did you take your pills today?
Cannot be bothered to read all that schizo shit

Novorossiya it is then

Attached: War_flag_of_Novorussia.svg.png (800x533, 16.24K)

Oh they absolutely did, no doubt, but that doesn't hide the fact that Ukraine has the right to self determination and a foreign power has decided to up the ante and vassalise them at the point of a gun.

Yeah I know it's for the anyone else that might be reading. Most Americans are tired of this bullshit.

Fucking court jester thinking he could sit on a throne. And then trust americunts, insanity. He is likely to reach the top 10 rankings of stupidest faggots in human history.

at least youre also fat cowards

The right to self-determination? The CIA installed a puppet leader who promised to put nukes on the Russian border, then shut down all free media in the country and got exposed as a corrupt rat by the Panama Papers.

Fuck with your idiotic "right to self determination" you hypocritical ignorant shit.

>That's what happens when you trust the CIA and sell out your own people to help American imperial interests
He didn't sell anyone out. He was hand chosen by the kikes in the State Dept precisely because he didn't need to sell out. He just had to be himself.

Self determination doesn't mean CIA /Soros manipulation


If France was in the same position you would support the government response. You wouldn't actively be against your own national interests just to keep a foreign power happy.

After a Russian puppet killed a bunch of people and lead to a revolution, you mean?

LMAO we ARE the bad guy and your dumb country is getting invaded cuz you got manipulated and played by us fat cowards. Haha. Now your home gets blown up cuz you got outplayed by the fat cowards.

Should have sided with Russia, they are unironically the side that actually cares about you. PS kulaks were guilty and you're only brainwashed by US interests (like Americans are) to think they're not.

And bioweapon facilities directed at Russia, oh this guy is going to remain a puppet, just with a putin fist never leaving his ass.

they had to provide source yeah?
If it's from RT i don't buy it

Huh? What are you talking about? Make yourself clear. Use your words. Articulate

It's possible both the US and Russian governments are bad guys.

Unfortunately this is the reality for Ukraine

>show some sympathy because you fought for independence under similar pretences
No you moronic nigger, they fought against their own government because they didn't tolerate tyranny(just like we all should be doing today as well by the way), not an foreign power. Ukraine is unironically a carbon copy of the iraq invasion if anything.

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Dude there's no "right to self determination" with the US state department and CIA LMAO don't you get that? When they get involved, they give you slavery and tell you it's "freedom"

No way. No way. I'm sorry. I'm American but Putin is 100% in the right here. The US does this evil shit. We're infamous for it. Our foreign policy is infamously indefensible.

>dude just become neutral and never join any other defensive pact or I will invade your country
So what exactly is keeping Putin from just invading it again in the future? This shit is the worst possible deal for them, might as well just be taken into Russia at this point which is probably what they're after

>Dude there's no "right to self determination" with the US state department and CIA LMAO don't you get that? When they get involved, they give you slavery and tell you it's "freedom"
Zelensky literally got installed by the CIA dude and then shut down all of the free media in Ukraine. Where is the "self-determination", you tell me? Do you think they're having "free elections" there in the Ukraine? Do you think just because the EU certifies them (to keep their puppet credible) that those elections are real?

And no one has "self-determination" to put an entire country of people under needless nuclear threat, either.


"Muh self-determination to point nukes at you" is literally the same level of entitled retarded logic as when lolberts say "but what about my freedom to own slaves"

>Its afraid

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Russia is not interested in taking over the ukraine they don't want it be yet another NATO/US puppet state.