Why do the Russians want Chernobyl?

I thought it was an abandoned, radioactive wasteland

Attached: chernobyl.jpg (1200x667, 176.98K)

Other urls found in this thread:

saveecobot.com/en/radiation-maps#14/51.3731/30.1073/gamma/comp cams fire

To send Ukrainian soldiers to the elephants foot

there are aliens there

50,000 people used to live here. Now its a ghost town.

The artifacts, Marked One

Fuck OP, are you stupid. Those yellow seats have got to be worth a few dollars on ebay.....

Attached: 1640190183647.jpg (800x593, 153.29K)

It's just a convenient spot to hold on the way to Kiev. Nothing more, nothing less.

Elephant's foot

putin wants to play stalker irl

>saveecobot.com/en/radiation-maps#14/51.3731/30.1073/gamma/comp cams fire

50 thousand people used to live there. Now it's a ghost town

Attached: 1613561079591.gif (261x320, 3.69M)

It's a way point, with shelter, and no major settlements nearby. It's 150 or so miles from the capital so is a great staging point.

Hunter Biden wants his job back.

Attached: 1642508626432.jpg (251x242, 26.15K)

To prevent a mad jew from exploding it and irradiating europe

Secret underground Soviet lab working on the next generation weapon for the past 35 years since the "accident".

Tourism money.

>don't forget all of that loose nuclear waste sitting in the path of wind currents

Because Chernobyl is a kino town.

Attached: ewfyxhiw0at21.jpg (640x843, 150.24K)

Because there is this room which grants you your heart's desire or something like that

because there is some shady shit going on there underground, OP

think biological weapons

Zelensky will be executed for crimes against humanity via touching the Elephant's foot

deadly anomalies, dangerous mutants, anarchists and bandits.

It is a power station.

Chernobyl is merely on the way to Kiev, not that complicated

Did they film a scene from Annihilation here? I swear to fuck that pool is where the weird plant man hybrid wall grower thing was.

*tony hawks pro skater 2 music starts playing*

because of the portal there

For obvious reasons... ect.

And I am thinking on the way out someone tried to false flag the event knto major catastrophe!
I think they were interupted in due time, although it was started the what not... there were reports of exces rays ect.


maybe to make sure the containment building stays maintained so it doesn't collapse and poison half of russia. the ukrainian politicians would neglect it anyways so they have more money to buy mansions in southern europe and the USA. i'm glad they took it back at least now it's in good hands

This dialog. Damn.

Damn I just got flashbacks from when I completed this level on the hardest difficulty, took me so many hours, fucking mutts

Area reused probubly to camo...