Has anyone actually watched Putin's full speech before deciding who's right?


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speech basicly makes ukraine look like it doesnt have even right to exist? thats ridiculous
what the fuck else is there to learn?

yeah and it made me side with Ukraine even more.
Putin is spewing Any Forums tier schizo nonsense.

Nope, this is his 'Empire of lies' speech.

Yeah I have. He's right about western hypocrisy, bhere's no reason for a fucking invasion. "They get to do bad things so I should get to do bad things too." Baby shit.

I'm not interested in what any kike lover has to say

You don't believe that the US and the west is an empire of lies who created this very issue between Russia and Ukraine? Hmm

He's actually right that the west is trying to promote faggotry there. He says he won't allow it. It's no brainer who's right today!

There's a reason why MSM refuses to play it in it's entirety.

Have a bump Op, therrs a reason the entirety of western media wont even directly comment on it

i did and putin is right

Yes and he's wrong

Putin is usually an eloquent speaker, but that speech was pure schizo rambling. I had sympathy with Russia but hearing that speech completely changed my opinion for the worse.

It wast insulting. Tells us Wikipedia level history and expects us to be like "Oh ok that makes sense"

by his logic, he should have already given us our lands back. He didn't. He is a hypocritical populist twat that changes mind daily,

I watched and this is a great speech that clarified the historical circumstances and the context that led to this current situation. The only thing that annoyed me was that it was voice over instead of subtitles, it’s irritating.

after speaking with the russians on this board, it became exceedingly obvious whats happening. Their 800 year old foreign policy has never been updated, and its incredibly counterproductive.
The russian mentality is that it has complete authority over its buffer states. They must have their dealings approved by russia or else it is literally an attack on Russian sovereignty. but they really don't have the military clout to back that up, and they burned bridges with all their allies that went along with that over the last century.

the US has hundreds of allies because it treats them well. everyone focuses on the bad that's happened but forgets why it stays on top. we've had wars with our allies before, but somehow managed to patch relations.
But russia? Why doesn't it have any allies? why do nearly ALL of its bordering countries hate it? You can read the comments of georgians, Finns, estonians, Poles, latvians, lithuanians, ukranians, everyone on this board. the general sentiment is extremely negative towards russia
You can't say the same for south american and the US, even though the US intervenes all the time. They all want to migrate to the US.

russians are delusional bullies.

I listened to both speeches purely out of the fact that we get absolutely 0 coverage of Putins words or actions unless its 10 second snippets of his speeches or whatever some "middleman" tells us, what he said frankly made a lot of sense to me, though the only thing I don't quite get is why he is condemning nationalism when he himself is very evidently nationalistic af.

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Sure the west are lying bitches.
But this gives Russia zero right to invade Ukraine.
Everyone is lying here, aggression is the problem.

It’s a good speech
Yeah. Hard to find, thanks for the link
