Are Italians white?

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south europeans=/=other europeans


No, and why would you want to be wh*te anyway?

Desato toda mi fe y lealtad en la infinita gracia de nuestro señor Jesucristo, quien murió por nuestros pecados en la cruz y ascendió de entre los muertos tres días después. Confío plenamente en el poder de la sangre de Jesús, Rey de Reyes, para proteger a la humanidad de catástrofes bélicas sin precedentes. Dios todopoderoso omnipresente, omnisapiente, intercede en las almas de las tropas Rusas, quienes hoy han sido cegadas por Satanás, la serpiente venenosa del pecado. Ayúdalos a despertar de su delirio demoniaco para detener esta guerra, y al pueblo Ucraniano mi señor, dale fuerzas para contener los ataques bestiales a los que se enfrentan. En el nombre del Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, Amén.

Niggers. As result of nigger solidarity they are opposing removing fellow nigger nation of Russia from SWIFT.

North italians are at least 3 shades lighter than the average pol tard
South italians are just subhuman sand niggers

Mario looks white to me.


Whiter than you Muhammed

of course mashallah

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Northern Italians are white, Sicilians and southern Italians are greasy Mediterraneans.

whitest man in Italy. The caliph of al Napolistani

Sardinia and Sicily is literally Africa

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Greater Minister, after his visit Putin launched the war

Imagine if we sent Renzi to negotiate with his english. Putin would have probably nuked us too by now kek

Kek you have no idea what that flag means.

¿que mierda te pico? ¿y por que en español la oracion?

South Europeans are the only Europeans.
You northern fag are just animals whom we had to rape some civilization into

Jesus Christ

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friendly reminder that with berlusca we had the best deals with dictators

True, despite all the criticism berlusca at least knew how to balance foreign policy and we managed to be best buddies with the US, Russia and keep Gheddafi as a close ally