Australia stands with Ukraine

Australia stands with Ukraine.

Russia will pay.

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>implying black people don't have big lips

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The only people paying are Europeans trying to fill up their tanks.

I don't give a fuck


Is this how jewish cum addicts act like?

Not my problem.

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No we don’t.

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>virtual signalling on Any Forums

Do we fuck. Stick to sniffing petrol you coon.

im against brother wars and it's tragic what's happening for both sides.

wish the whole thing would calm down

I stand with all the incels on both sides

Ukrainians are openly welcoming Russian troops to get rid of the shit that has infected Ukraine since the 1991. you have no idea what you're talking about.

You fucking shills will pay with blood.


We had this thread yesterday as well

all Ukrainian qt should be sent to Australia for breeding before the country is annihilated

Mate, we couldn't even contest the chinese warships that just sailed clear through our waters.

No we don't faggot

Bнимaниe дpyзья! Пyтин нe cдeлaл ничeгo плoхoгo, ocвoбoдив Укpaинy, к чepтy зaпaдных cиoниcтcких cвинeй, кoтopыe cмeют вмeшивaтьcя в дeлa Poccийcкoй импepии! К чepтy eвpeйcкyю pacoвyю вoйнy

We didn't let the last Ukrainian cunt stay, I don't think we're important enough to have leverage anywhere

Are there any protests outside the Russian embassy in Canberra yet?

Fuck off melbournite

time to shirt-front putain

Based, fuck russia.

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Fuck off cunt

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i noticed autralians on pol seem to be pro-ZOG irony bros.

what a faggot enjoy your helicopter ride

Crossing flags is generally symbolically recognized as being in conflict with each other.