WHY do Libs hate these stickers?

WHY do Libs hate these stickers?

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Because it goes against their propaganda.

Because the stickers and believers of them are retarded. Presidents have almost zero influence on the price of globally traded crude.
Remember gas prices under Bush? Neocons were quick to say the president doesn't affect gas prices.

Because you never beat or bullied enough of them growing up and now they are all pussies.

we laugh at this shit. because this shit started as soon as a couple weeks after the election and you have to have literally 2 braincells to think biden had anything to do with MuH GAs PriCeS. cope and seethe dumbicans.

next you're going to say Presidents have no effect on the stock market, huh, lib? sad!

1. Action of the populace. A lot of propaganda involves building a false perception of consensus on an issue. They can't be celebrating $0.06 cheaper cranberries at Thanksgiving if these stickers are reminding everyone that inflation is high and the people blame Biden. Their intent is to dictate culture and public opinion, and make audiences apathetic and passive. Stickers are a bold rebuke; people are making them and selling them and buying them and placing them everywhere en masse.
2. A lot of politics in the US currently requires good guys and bad guys. Things are painted in fantastic, heroic tones, like in children's fiction. These stickers remind people that, while voting for a politician 'felt good', it made their lives materially worse. This is a contradiction that can't stand - increasing impoverishment must seem inevitable, unforeseen, and due to outside forces. Blaming policies for what is happening means voting for other candidates is a viable way of increasing quality of life. Voters felt righteous voting for the good guys in the past. But now they must choose between what feels right and what they think will make their lives better. If the situation deteriorates enough, this consideration will override other political factors.

yeah? no shit they dont retard. keep thinking one fucking dumbass has control over the entire market

The better question is why americans are so fucking directionbrained.

Accountability is their kryptonite.

damn you're retarded. you're saying that the head of one third of the US government can't make decisions that affect the market? take an econ community college class, because you sure are fucking laughably retarded.

>verification not required

seems like it.

they hate it because its simple and effective.

Economics on all levels teaches us that the president controls trade with other nations, but if be controlled the gas prices there would be no need for corporations like ExxonMobil, BP, ConocoPhillips And the like. Those big names charge what they want to distribute the oil for.

Presidents can attempt to raise or lower, but that requires delegating with the gas corporations, and most of the time, the bosses here at ExxonMobil refuse to lower the price when the president asks. He can't force them.

But when people brag about those stickers I tell them "Yeah gas just went down, so it's funny you are thanking him for it." It's an absolute show to see them run out as fast as possible to try and then peel the sticker off so they don't look like they support hom, and then they eat shit on the ice for being in a hurry. I travel around Alaska visiting ExxonMobil stations, that always gets me a chuckle to see them slip on ice like that. One guy even had on a MAGA hat and when he ate it, u saw his hat slowly sliding down the parking lot.

Probably the best belly laugh I've had in a while.

>keystone pipeline
>not effected

Same "argument".
Totally not a parroted talking point, I'm sure.

Because this nigger Biden canceled the keystone pipeline immediately after being president. He fucked us up.

>$4.50 is down from $1.78
Lmao. You voted for it, didnt you?

They don’t like words because no inner monologue/visual thinking so anything that’s a picture or ‘art’ that goes against something makes them actually see it. Look how Stonetoss makes them go insane.

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because they get stuck having to scrape them off the pumps for minimum wage.

i like the stickers actually

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>cancel Keystone
>force more foreign dependency by choice to “own le bad orange man”
>gas costs increase 60% in first year in office
>now, gas prices may soon double because of muh Ukraine
>”This is all because of Russia!”
Most people are too fucking stupid to see obvious causes, so expect millions of leftists to actually ignore Biden’s retarded decisions

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