This man is going to save the world

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Other urls found in this thread:

... by killing white ukrainians and sucking chink/muslim dick?

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>by killing white ukrainians
Only the naughty goys

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The messaging is getting so confusing

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As long as similar laws are in place to protect Christians I don't care. Muh free speech is american retardation. Blasphemy is not ok. I shit on your "free press", and Charlie Hebdo. The "enlightenment" was a mistake. May your free press keep shoving garbage propaganda down your throats. Free speech is nothing more and nothing less than an attack on lesse majeste. Kikes wanted to spread propaganda and insults towards the kinds in Europe so they screeched about muh free speech. May you drown in your own shit.


I fucking hate my country and their love of globohomo, but I'm becoming increasingly convinced that this board's been infested by Russian and Chinese shills.

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Fuck you slavnigger shill. Jewtin would just as soon start bombing the american right for """"""""""denazification"""""""""".

I've been called a Russian shill so much in the last few days it's unreal.

I hope so.

Also the amount of shills on pol right now is at an all time high, last night when the news broke it was like a party, same vibe as election night 2016, everyone was celebrating.

Now 24 hours later I see all this concern posting and anti-putin, pro globohomo, bullshit I don't believe any of it.

You're shilling for an anti-white slavnigger. His stated reason for invading Ukraine is to end right wing white nationalism there.

>"I'm the only one that's not a shill here!"

savior of the white race

CIA is desperately spamming this board with pro-Ukraine nonsense.

I'm not the only one who's not a shill but the mood changed and I doubt everyone who was celebrating last night is all of a sudden concerned for Ukraine.

You are so dumb

Ukraine is literally a jew puppet state, see

no one is going to save the world.
but war in any capacity is good.

Can't wait until Russian militants invade and rape my asshole because they are closet homos

Putin will save it, I believe in him.

VAX sales man will save world from what? If he fought back and exposed corona makers then would've respected him more. Also he said he doesn't want out of correct global system. UN trash all the same.
account was removed a few hours after this postings, Russkies going for the bioweapon labs first.

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Only like 40% of russians are vaxxed. Way better than US.

Also I have no problem with globalism as long as good people are running it. I wouldn't mind a Putin world government.