Good morning

Good morning.
How can India accept Ukranian refugees?
Where do we apply?

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terk terk OH la la la

they come to Goa and you fuck them

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Some eastern Ukrainians are actually muslims, still wanna take them in?

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user crave for vegana and bobs from ukraine

Go ask the other imageboards.

We will make them hindu no probs.

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India hasn't even been able to arrange transportation to the tens of thousands of indian students who are stranded in Ukraine
All Indian embassy help lines are busy since last saturday with no aid in sight

You have to be really fucking stupid to think India is a contender for global aid at the moment

Why are Americans like this

You were one of the first to steal these people lmfao. This planet is fucking hilarious. Can’t wait to see what species arrive because of this.

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And by arrive i mean be born kek

Bleez maam show me ur bobez and vegona i weel pay for ur hotel bliz just sho the bob an i will take care of u

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You can take some Chechens in

Good morning sir.
Do not redeem ukrainski vagene.



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Silence poo-pervert offer your re-occurring indo-european soul for a cause instead of perving like we expect least

good morning sirs...i just took a shit shit at the happy!!

Let’s be real, none of them are coming to India or Pakistan or Bangladesh or Sri Lankw

thank u come again

haah little brown men are sooo hung up on white women