The West is done for... First of many nails in the coffin

The USA and Western Europe ( also NATO & EU) are going down the drain, the rest of the World is witnessing it and sharpening their knives. Afghan was the blood in the water, Ukraine is the first of many nails to come. Russia is attacking Ukraine, a First World Developed Country and Democracy, and even with it's faults a once relatively safe Country. Russia attacked and the World stood by and did nothing, showing everyone that the USA and Western Europe are done for, that there is nothing left of them but quiet bark and no bite.

Once Russia wins (yes, they'll win), you'd be an idiot to think China wouldn't start making moves for Taiwan, now that they know the World will do nothing and just stand by and watch, with nothing to give in reply but stern words and meaningless sanctions.

Sorry for the hyperbole, but seriously... This is sending a huge message to the rest of the World.... I feel like things are only going to get worse. And yes, I do think this signals to China and the rest of the World that it is now open season. I feel like things are only going to get worse.

We're fucked.

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Russia is the West. We are all white brothers! This stuff is theatre so that the white race can use it a smokescreen to regroup.

Not sure know know what The West means.

I/'m not sutre you know what the white race is fucking freak.

And china is white through Tocharian, Yuezhi bloodines so fighting china would be a brother war idiot.

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>I/'m not sutre you know what the white race is
Isn't that the next race that is going extinct? All Euro nations will be replaced with browns, so who cares? You're extinct.

China has over a billion people as does north india include Iran too plus all of europe and white people in settler colonies. You do realize that all those people arewhite?

I don't mean north india has over 1 billion i mean they have hundreds of millions of white people

Yeah no kidding bro. This is the greatest geopolitical disaster of a generation. People in the "West" don't even realize it yet. Funny how talking about the West and defending Western civilization was oh-so-racist until a few Russian tanks cross a border in Eastern Europe.
The old world is dying and the new world is struggling to be born. Now is the time of monsters.

japan wont let chinks chimp out

Did Any watch the full Putin speech and not just western media clips? Russia has nothing left to loose. The US must be the smart ones or else a nuclear war will happen. They were talking about this shit at my kids elementary school and now the poor thing cant sleep, he's afraid Russia will nuke US, WTF they are traumatizing these kids but that speech towards the end meant business

id rather thekids be nuked than be sodomized by some kike faggots

>We are all white brothers!
Have you seen photos of captured Russians? If same people were Americans all Any Forums would laugh at how """""""white"""""" they are

You feel differently when you have children user. I know my goverment doesn't represent the American people, they divide Americans the media incites violence, I just want the people of America safe I don't care about the globalists. I want to be free

Dude, North America is Occupied.
It's being brought down from within.

I hope to some higher inteligence then us here that it does not act foolish, that it takes one hundred deep fucking breaths of Sanity, that the Military cleans up Treasnous Traitors and occupators and saves America and the ***People and the Children Future.

Things are bad, but it can be worse.
We must be smart and Rightous, Truthful and Rightous not prideful in an Unfounded ways all the way to Destruction.
Truthful and Rightous and Good.
So the Good thing Here can be appriciated, cherished, put to Good Use.

The World must be Kinder, more Honest, Truthful and it must clean house, alot has to go to be preserved.

I hope People in Key places Rise to the Occasion, even some bad actors for the sake of doing one right thing if nothing else that can make a Big Difference.

>China has over a billion people
>You do realize that all those people arewhite?
Like I said, extinct. Thanks for agreeing and for the luls.

Wining does not mean wining in war at all costs and for no good reasons.
Wining means making Kind, Good, Truthful choices Today.

Nothing is lost to the good Yet!

I pray there is no draft or nuclear war, I hope innocent Americans aren't targeted by Russia. I feel Russia has been pushed for a long time which is stupid of western globalists, they are causing more problems, they could make Putin an offer

why are you sweating? this is a good thing.

> Ukraine, a First World Developed Country and Democracy

Top kek

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Then we gotta worry about operation northwoods types of shit too

freedom costs blood
you dont shed it
you dont deserve free

You are rhe pillar of the land, folks like you, family loving and freedom loving people.
You are the ones the Military should think of and protect through strength and Peace, from tyrany and war.

you're right. move to Eurasia

You know it's bad when you're only better than Moldova

He deserves freedom without sheding blood.
It's his Gid Given Right.

not much of a struggle

I'm ready.

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China is looking for opportunities as well and will ultimately aid Russia

You anons should peruse St. Augustine's City of God. He wrote it to a monk who was worried to see the crumbling Roman Empire at the time. Augustine covered a huge number of topics, but his main motivation was tell the monk to place faith in the City of God. Not the City of Man.
The West is even more deserving of damnation than even Rome ever was. It's not just the City of Man, but the City of Demons. You should happy is falling apart.

What could the west offer Putin at this point?

Putin foundationally believes that the west is the great satan.

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That's what I meant by the USA being done for... They're dying from within and rotting away.

No he doesn't faggot. Freedom or Death.

Any chance Iran and Israel go at it?