How are Hohols so goddamn dumb? This is Scooby Doo tier

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Wow. When is that RPG coming out? not even Skyrim would let you fool other NPCs by just wearing their clothes.


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supports the rumor that Ukrainians have been joining the Russian columns. interesting.

>not even Skyrim would let you fool other NPCs by just wearing their clothes.
You can fool the thalmor guards in the embassy by wearing elf gear.

I'm not taking sides; but isn't that a war crime?

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the dumbest thing is not that most normies would believe this shit, but would somehow condemn this treachery like it was the holohoax

That's literally the oldest double agent move in the book. From b fucking movies.

How could they fall for that?

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Ukraine is making us look bad.

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it's also extremely unlikely. this is more likely:

>Launches javelin missiles at their own APCs and tanks to stop the Russian advance.

Top notch strategy.

Are Ukrainians really that fucking stupid? I’ve been questioning their intelligence a lot the last couple days

this is fake news. real news says ukraine is winning every single fight

Yes, but it's probably Ukrainians joining Russians.



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It’s only a war crime if you lose

Only if you're Khajiit, Bosmer or Altmer. If you're any other race wearing that outfit they attack you on sight. Also it's only during that quest.

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As long as you reveal your true colours before you open fire it's a legal ruse de guerre

based and warcrime pilled

>Allowed to launch hi-explosive missiles
>Can't change clothes

If they ask nicely, maybe Putin will give it back just like their battleship.

Wtf is the deal with those striped under shirts? Do they not have normal military clothing like everyone else?

We literally have no concept of what is occurring on the ground. There is so much propaganda that we just can't keep up with it.

If you are still attached to these stories coming out just know you are at home, enjoying yourself and you need to have fun.

>walk onto base in ukraine uniform
>climb into tank
>"HEY YOU! what are you doing?"
>"err im late to fight in the war i forgot to show up"
>"yeah you and almost everyone else 'forgot to show up' now get out there and kick some ass!"
>"yes sir!"
>drives off

im serious thats probably not far from the real series of events

They're comfy

Wow kacaps say so so it must be the truth, lol.

This is literally a war crime

Those dastardly Russians. That's almost as bad as being a Jew and pretending to be Ukrainian.

>you're allowed to shoot and kill each other but you're not allowed to heckin lie and deceive

If true, Its wagners who stole a truck to infliltrate Kiev.

Its a cultural thing and is military issue
Every russian male owns one including abroad

Is this idiot trying to increase the rate of friendly fire?


makes sense. nobody wants to say it but I'm sure there's a good number of Ukrainians who WANT to be part of russia

yeah, Otto Skorzeny pulled that during the Battle of the Bulge. he got away with it at trial because a Bong commando showed up for his defence by saying the Bongs were doing the same thing.

and yeah, I think it's all good until the shooting starts.

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Pretty muc, but that won’t stop retards from posting wild stories because this board is full of sensationalist children.

it's a vestigial state of the Vatnik

If you ever feel bad, a meth head just wandered into an American military base and stole a tank in the 90s


Standard issue for like a hundred years in east European militaries. Like America and giving our grunts brown t shirts

Plot twist: these are Ukrainian soldiers defecting.

>play CS
>CT is getting dominated
>switch to T
>drop a bunch of aks in spawn
>CTs win
>swap back

Russians have been perfecting this strat for decades

Fucking kikes. And the goyim eat it up. Like usually. Fucking retards.


Either thats true or they're Ukraine defectors.

it's also pure rationality. There's no way Ukraine can win without NATO backing and they clearly do not have it and won't have it. any idea that the West was Ukraine's friend is obliterated after this week.

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More likely a couple by ukie mutineers

I was went to /gif/ yesterday, to search for webms of the "war", only 4-5 threads between the see of kike porn spam.

When I was going through the the war threads, I find it pointless, because most close up vids, I could not tell which side is which, because both use the same soviet equipment, most don't have insignias, can't tell the difference between their language, and by the slim chance of seeing an ukie corpse with a flag insignia, I could not tell if it is recent or from the past 5 years fighting the breakaway regions.

What I did found in all wembs with sound, that their language is so fucking brutish and subhuman, I want to murder all who speak any slavshit language, fucking niggers, all of them.

woudlnt ukraninasn realize somethings wrong when they are talking in russian not ukrainain

>This is Scooby Doo tier
So is the Russian military

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I think its homage to old naval uniforms? I think?

It's a reference to the soviet revolution, the first soldiers to rebel were Russian sailors who's standard uniform was a striped undershirt. To wear a striped undershirt meant you were in solidarity with the leaders of the revolution. It became military tradition ever since

Teleports behind your outhouse. Steals your raytheon tonka trucks. Nuthin personal Oprah.

I used to do this in Battlefield 1942 all the time

the western press has been top-tier comedy this week. not even trying to fool anyone.


Hey, don't make fun of little Vitaly, mom said he could come too.

kino af. saved.

>God damn it, Klemenko! You're a loose cannon! I should have your rank for this.
>Not my problem, chief.
>You're a son of a bitch, Klemenko! But, by god, you get the job done! Now get out there and catch some bad guys!

Maybe it's one of those things where it's better just to pretend they are definitely allies and not here to kill me when there's no way to win

Reddit absolutely fucking wrecked. By a twitter nobody no less.

They’re trying old (and lazy) propaganda tactics that were effective in the past. Apparently they never realized that people can fact check everything now


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We need this meme but with Russians driving away from a Ukrainian

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Ideally with a smug pepe in the tank and a crying wojak in the back running after him.

>he doesn't know

the way you personally perceive the world is Gay

Get off Any Forums

go back to

read; Ukrainian army defected to Russian side


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Can confirm. A ukranian just killed 1000000000000000 russians right over my house. #StandWithUkraine

It is a war crime in a combat situation, if you don't shoot it isn't perfidy.
>It is prohibited to make use of the flags or military emblems, insignia or uniforms of adverse Parties while engaging in attacks or to shield, favour, protect or impede military operations.

and the shirts themselves became a cultural icon of the navy after Russian sailors picked pick up the style from France

You fool the Imperials by wearing their armor during one of the Civil War quests.

the (((press))) is just a wing of our intelligence services. their weakness is being exposed because their opponent is competent for once. it's easy to lie about goat-herders but the Russians are much more meticulous and have their own information infrastructure - The Russian-language internet is the second largest after English. Reading their news sites is a breath of fresh air in how they actually impart information and don't embellish everything with the usual jewish rhetorical flourishes.

War crimes are for losers