How did Biden cause this?

Hi, can someone please explain to me what the actual fuck candace Owens and other conservatives on Twitter are talking about? They're claiming it's all his fault but refusing to explain, saying to do your own research, but then also saying the info has been censored. So how the fuck am I supposed to find out wtf you're talking about? Nobody is giving a real answer. I'm losing my mind here.

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The Obama admin orchestrated a coup in 2014 then the new Ukraine government has been paying Biden off ever since

this shit started in 2014. that niggermutt zio-grifter is just talking nonsense that helps her better grift off the retarded boomer republican base

Biden, Pelosi and Mitt Romeny all have one thing in common. Their black sheep kids work as high ranking consultants to ukraines energy sector being paid millions to occasionally show up at a office for 2 or 3 hours a week.

>he never heard of Burisma
you guys really are hopeless

Shills desperate to shift blame from Putin/zelensky to Biden. Pathetic

It's funny how these people sniff their way into energy sectors. You tell me commies weren't based for executing the likes of these rats? I beg to differ.

The overthrow of the Ukraine government was facilitated by the VP at the time, who happens to be "President" now. And a son of his was involved in oil, in Ukraine.

So go figure that now we have this "President" who is starting a war, by harboring nazis in Ukraine, and while while economy is going to shit Oil is sky rocketing. So here we are.

Fighting a war over oil for our "democratically elected president"

>Bootlickers excusing our shitty foreign policy we've had for that's led up to this.

no u

Bold assumption, except it's wrong. Good try tho. But please, seriously, explain how that would cause Putin to invade? I can see why it might cause Biden to support Ukraine, yes, but how could it possibly influence Putin to invade?

>words words words
>heh I bet you thought you had me with logic, well come to find out being a retard is better

Gotta love the dissonance.

Zelensky is a jew puppet installed by globohomo megacorp to do the ususal jew routine in Ukraine, which consists of degeneracy, legallizing drugs gambling prostitution, lenient sentences for crooks and of course the old jew favourite ... big bank loans and fiat currencies. Hunter biden is just a crackhead, but hes the point man to make sure "the big guy" gets his 10% cut.

This is what happens when you get involved with crooks and things go sideways. The Ukranians stupidly thought because they were havign crooked dealings with Biden that biden would protect them .... but protection is apperently extra.

Now watch over the next few weeks as Zelensky and his jew rat friends flee, taking billions of stolen money with them, and everybody washes thier hands. The poor Ukranians will be left to deal with the Russians. You sleep with dogs, you wake up with flees. You sleep with jews, you wake up with a knife in your back.

He's right and you can seethe to death faggot.

>The overthrow of the Ukraine government was facilitated by the VP at the time
no it was facilitated by neocon jews like nuland. hunter biden was completely irrelevant at the time and he is still irrelevant. this is just a dumb boomercon talking point to deflect criticism from any actual people with power

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What does Putin have blame for?

Biden and NATO oil interests in Ukraine don't want increased Russian control of pipelines because it will drive down energy prices.

"The Nord Stream projects have been fiercely opposed by the United States and Ukraine, as well as by other Central and Eastern European countries, because of concerns that the pipelines would increase Russia's influence in Europe, and because of the knock-on reduction of transit fees for use of the existing pipelines in Central and Eastern European countries."

>What does Putin have blame for?
being a 5'7 slav

Looks like I triggered the shills. How about you trigger yourself and make everyone not have to deal with you anymore. Kek

The big guy appreciates your support

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>by harboring Nazis in Ukraine

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>how does destabilizing the border of his country cause Putin to do something about it
I wonder kike

When will this drifting nigger stfu?

What can I look up to get info on the VP overthrow part? Or can you clarify? Same with the Nazis part?

>The weakness on display on the Afghanistan exit
>Milley going on and on about how evil white people are and how important trannys are to the infantry
but best of all
>Putin saw russiagate as what it was from the very beginning- the democrats proving the US gov is not interested in truth or justice or any of that shit and is a house of lies
Democrats should be beaten in the street

For invading Ukraine?

Biden didn't invade Ukraine. Isn't in Ukraine. get it together

There's a more to it but this is the basics. Also, Ukraine is shelling their own breakaway regions and burning people alive in buildings.

It's pretty straightforward and you can look it up yourself. NATO has been talking about letting Ukraine in for years; has sent them aid, performed joint military exercises, etc. This all prompted Ukraine to be an asshole to Putin because they thought they had America, the 600-pound brick shithouse, sitting in their corner waiting to back them up if Russia did anything. Moment of truth comes and we're nowhere to be seen.
>Um, sanctions or something idk
Now that guy is either fleeing the country or going to Russian jail forever. He absolutely got used by the people who are telling you to send #thoughtsandprayers to Ukraine right now.

You need to work on your grammar. Ending on a preposition is a very Slavic thing. It's a real give away.

Thanks, good breakdown

you zogslop addled boomers can't even make coherent retorts. go back to facebook where you can sit in your cuckservative echochamber so you don't have to get offended by people criticizing jewish power

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This. As always, all these wars come back to greed. and at the center of every greedy scandal is a jew rat rubbing his filthy little paws.

Obama and Biden installed jew rat Kelensky to rip off the Russians, constantly provoke them, and make overtures to bringing missiles within minutes of moscow, threatening their security, and when russia tried to deal with it diplomatically, globohomo megacorp shit on them,when russia built a pipeline around them, globohomo did everything they could to stop it. for thirty fucking years Biden and his jew rat friends have been provoking the Russians, well today my friends the chickens have come home to roost. Putin has had enough of this shit, and now hes going to take whatever the fuck he wants.

You wanted a war .... you got it.

now all you niggers, trannies and faggots can go fight the russians for globohomo megacorp. the white man is sitting this one out.

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Biden didn’t cause it all himself, but he and his boy were up to their fucking ears in sleazy corruption. Ripping off Ukrainians like bandits.

I really, really hope this shit eventually comes out. The way the media studiously avoided this subject was so black-pilling. I knew things were too far gone to recover when the laptop revelations got buried. If only people knew.

Biden is one part.

It was a smorgasbord for corruption
>Nuland, Sullivan, and many of the sycophants in the Obama and now Biden admin
>Neo-cons and idiots like Romney

Blame one, blame them all
It's all the same scam, just different people going after different things.

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Ukraine played the west and Russia off each other for money for years. That was probably a bad decision

That’s because they banned the Hunter Biden story throughout all big tech right before the election. Fuck your self and live in terror for not paying attention.

not an argument, not a refutal. Keep seething.

I don't know anything about this situation but I'll chime in. Democrats have selected Ukraine as the side they will be supporting in this "war", which means now all conservatives have to do the opposite and will be supporting Russia. Hunter biden was in Ukraine that time do is pretty clear he started the war, but in saying that Russia also made Americans vote for trump because Putin is the bad man and then trump have all of Americans money to Israel and trumps supporters supported supporting the support of Israel and making it great again. Hope that helps

Take your meds. No one cares what you say. Stay mad.

This is Victoria Nuland of the US State Department back in 2014 dictating to Geoffrey Pyatt who shall be installed into the new Ukranian government as part of the Obama/EU led coup. Ukraine was going to join the EU but then realized that pensions would get destroyed and it would start exporting wealth and people to UK/Germoney/France so they ripped up that plan and decided to align with Russia for trade, for a variety of historical reasons. Globalist got mad at this and overthrew the government, Donestk, Lughask and Crimea peeled off and it has been a stalemate for nearly a decade as Biden, Kerry and other US cretins used their children to extract wealth from the country through corrupt dealings. Trump got wind of the circumstances around Hunter Biden getting investigated only for Joe Biden to squash it by denying military aid unless the prosecutor was fired. Russia was willing to leave Ukraine be a shithole until recently when NATO decided it would be fun to start making moves in the country, at this point it becomes a dire threat to his country and needs to be exterminated.


Why did they desperately try to tie trump to Ukraine? They sent do far as to impeach him over a phone call. Where do you think the bodies are buried? Think Shlomo.

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