Has wartime propaganda always been this shit or did people get smarter?

has wartime propaganda always been this shit or did people get smarter?

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people couldn't readily fact check it back in the day, stupid zoomer.

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check out this bullshit

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The mobs intelligence collectively increases much much slower than a single persons would.
Also this is the first one (besides the Arab spring) in the social media age.

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You can blame boomers for eating up every war Jews felt like whipping up. They didn’t care because they got the bennies being sent back home, and have literally fought in less wars than any people in history. Now they own most of the wealth still and therefore are still approving of this warmongering thought their cable box television. This might be there chance to get one of their last bullshit wars in because they already know millienials aren’t stupid enough to fall for it, and they’ve already dedicated the zoomers as the ultimate Amazon-tier wage slave generation.

Probably. Just saw an article from our state news that just said Putin is hateful and crazy. Meanwhile there's a hour long speach where he explains his reason for everything wich no normie will ever see in their vaccine shortened life.

All my npc coworkers were saying how putin is literally hitler and we should send troops to Ukraine to defend the jews.
I think their wartime propoganda is doing just fine.

It's fucking horrible at the start. If you were here for /cwg/, you'd have a microcosm of the shitstorm across the board between the two spook factions.

we have searching tools and more access to information than anyone in history. they can't pull shit like they used to anymore and they know it which is why more people see through the bullshit.

>crew lost due to mechanical failure

look at how many people swallowed 9/11
Yeah we've come along way

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It actually used to be even more retarded.

This quote included


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>or did people get smarter?
look at twitter, and reddit
it still works

It was always shit, American soldiers last century probably didn’t give a damn about “muh fascism”, they were just forcibly drafted

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What's also interesting is that the covid narrative seems to be fading to the background. No more daily post about it and today most mandates are gone. Sometimes there's a wimper about the immunocompromised and that's it. From a daily: omg were all going to die of covid to a daily: Putin bad.

hey guys I know the twin towers just got vaporized, but you'll never believe what we found in NYC all of the Saudi passports for the Hijackers...amazing truly a miracle.

Not to mention FUCKING COVID. The masses have never been in a more submissive and obedient state. Just look at what happened to the honkfags in Canada.

My grandfather had to atcually get out of the bomber while it was flying because once of the screws had become loose. almost died because some riveter did a shitup

Not sure who I should root for. Right now I'm on no one's side and I'm team "not America's fucking problem. But the people I detest (troons, homos, pedophiles, politicians, and degenerates) are out in full force shilling "muh Russia bad and Putler evil!" And that seems to be very telling.

can you post the link to the speech pls

I don't know how they expect to have an army without the nationalists. Also once all the faggots are away at war we have our chance to take over.

Some of them were just dirt farmers who never even heard the word "fascism" until 1957, They just thought the US was genuinely threatened and signed uo.

It was always shit but also people were less cynical and sophisticated but even my grandparents told stories of mocking propaganda back in the day, lightheartedly but with the understanding what you were told was polished and less than truthful.

ppl got smarter and the propaganda got shittier. You have to understand the ppl manning the propaganda battle stations ACTUALLY BELIEVE IT. Therefore as things become more and more obviously on our side and not the globohomo side, you have to be really really really fucking retarded to stay on your propaganda post and believe it.

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Your grandad was a beast. Who in their right mind would let women be mechanics?

how did he fall faster than the plane?

...its actually dumber than anons let on. Holy shit I am not sure what is real anymore. Go to twitter and look yourself


Very hard to get to it and you'll have to translate because the English version isn't reacheble ( at least for me) maybe someone else has a better link?

war propaganda is always really stupid and then you forget about it quickly. That's how it's designed to work.

Lol that looks like 4 different layers/cels. Is this supposed to be the Red Baron being taken out? If so it was made for a 1918 audience, the country was a generation away from the wild west, a photo like this would have been convincing enough to fool the average person.

...you're joking right?

Ya, when Israel pulled off 9/11 that was a masterpiece of propaganda and theater. We may never get another production like it again.

No it is getting worse progressively you absolute retards.

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So far everyone is supporting the Ukrainian puppet state and acting like Putin is somehow uniquely bad. Insanity

twitter is 90% bots arguing with bots, the other 10% is ecelebs arguing with ecelebs.

Propagandists get dumber.
Used to be trained spies, now it's autists on twitter.

Lmao good point. Guess the midwitts went to war and they left only the drooling tards. Expect, idiocracy cringe level type of post, in the coming months, before Putin blows the off the map.

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Top fucking kek