I think most of the Ukrainian forces joined Russia and I think Western media is trying to hide this with all this...

I think most of the Ukrainian forces joined Russia and I think Western media is trying to hide this with all this bullshit they are spreading.

My genuine thoughts on this.

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bump because this board is going hella fast right now.

Kys and your offspring ruskie but leave the women

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ivan get off the copium just admit ur getting mogged by retards

That would be the best solution. A widespread defection would avoid lots of bloodshed and destruction of infrastructure.
I don't think the central leadership is going to resign, they are too power-hungry and their western masters need them there. Surrendering is not an option for them, but maybe they will come to their senses, I hope so.

I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of ukraine military defected to Russia. There was a Russian backed president before the jew. Not like Russia is going to turn them into slaves or kill them all. They just don't want the ukraine gov to be in nato. Better to defect and ask for forgiveness than fight a losing battle for globalist.

ukraine terrorists/pedos mafia getting hunted by russian forces, the media crys wolf who would have thought

What do the "Z" mean
answer that and I trust you Roooskie


probably to differentiate the russians from the separatists. My guess would be there have not been 800 "russian" deaths

No. Billions of russ*ans have been dominated by Vkrainian BVLLS.


This is not entirely true. We were somewhat at odds with the pre-coup government, and with the one before that. They were playing a two-sided game:
>Hey ruskies, gib us moneys or we get offended and go to the eurocucks!
>Hey eurocucks, gib us moneys or we get offended and go to the ruskies!

And they stole our gas from the pipe, which was a huge scandal. It worked kinda well for them, until 2014, when the eurocucks won entirely and the ruskies got offended.

I mean that was what made them a good buffer. They were jewing both sides equally.

I think it's mark for equipment destined for the salvage yard and recyclers

Yes. In the meantime, we were preparing to play the same type of game between Europe and China, but now our asses belong entirely to the narrow-eyed overlords.

They started so hard with disinfo on social networks even my grandma shares bullshit they shill and she can't point our town on map.


Lol ya the separatists...

This is more plausible than anything else I've heard today.

why are you russian faggots HERE on the english web acting like you arent the propagandarists.
you are such insufferably dense people.

Its ok my country has been owned by the bugs for yeearrsss.


You'd be correct

cry more ab it cuck, rather trust russian user than 10000+ of your lying scum media.

the west is over-hyping extremely small things, so it's both sides

yeah, exactly, it's like Obama's cash for clunkers but Putin style


basically it

no, you...

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The west can't let it be known that Ukrainians give two shits about defending their "freedom" from Russia. The western oligarchs, NGOs and diplomats have fled like rats. There is no Euromaidan 2.0 coming.

Fuck off russian, Slava Ukraini

Ukrainian trans assault forces have arrived on sure

the copium is already starting boys topkek

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yeah we are gonna be reading about ukrainian victories and russian embarrassments up until the point ukraine capitulates

One more bump

What we're being told with words and what (very little) we can observe with our eyes are two very different things. Almost certainly, without fail, that is historically an indication of Jewish theatre going on.

we will know soon. p-47 highway shows heavy military traffic.