"I support Russia because I can't be racist online"

The line that got Chud on a no fly list.

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I support global nuclear war that exterminates 99% of the population

I support Ukraine because cnn told me to, and it represents my desire to cope, dilate and live with my delusional tranny self for another week before I hang myself and have my parents bury me with my birth name on my tombstone.

I literally do not give a shit what consequences come to me, it won't change the fact that I value saying nigger online more than I value democracy.

And? There are other transportation besides flying.

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Biden should be assassinated and then Russia should be beat back to their Muslim infested steppes

Your meme flag would get you jailed in Russia.

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>The line that got Chud on a no fly list.
Chuds don't fly faggot, we drive.

Yes. Push them further. Do it.

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That doesn't mean he is wrong and it only further proves his point.

I support whatever causes most asshurt and lulz no matter what, I love seeing retards fling feces at each other

Based and blessed (and checked)

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>not supporting Russia without reason

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Got her

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>that got Chud on a no fly list.
I don't fly anyways.

Don't make me go on a rampage and kill you all faggot kikes!

You can't support russia gor reasons!
Lol russia or russians have never did anything harmful to me. Not even a bad word unlike you though :)

BASED, i bet you're signing up for military service right now. You DO want to support our democratic allies in Ukraine, right?

But that's a good opinion to have. Our entire livelihoods are centered around being based and redpilled. Many of us spend hours on Any Forums. For the few of us that have friends, they tend to be pro-fascist too. If Putin loses, the rest of the world will collapse to tranny nigger kike dominion and our movement will fail.

We NEED Russia to win this war in order for the white nationalist movement to succeed.