343 blames russia for halo problems

is Russia the new scapegoat?

can we still blame covid for everything too or is that off the table?

Attached: 343 industries blames russia.png (640x940, 218.83K)

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>emotional response
Why do I already know how unhinged this faggot’s jaw is?
>captcha P00N0

I thnk I'll use this excuse for when I go to work tomorrow too!

What an absolute faggot. The West is fucking doomed and so is this poofter now that Pax Americana has ended. I can wait to see khans and warlords begin to take over in the coming decades and absolutely destroy these kinds of "men".

racism just doesnt cut it anymore

Wow that post really annoyed the hell out of me. Did some digging and from what I can tell looks like he’s about 35-38ish years old. Judging by his resume, which is actually my age.

This motherfucker remembers where he was for 9/11, knows a few people from his HS who went to Iraq.

He’s just now seeing that the world has been at war.

This is the new Covid isn't it, manchildren need an excuse to be lazy and this is why they play along with it.

Lol fucking faggots. JUST GET COOP WORKING NOW

The idea of the west falling used to scare me to death, but now I love watching packs of people who thought changing their gender and calling everyone a Nazi counted as intense personal growth.

>changing their gender and calling everyone a Nazi counted as intense personal growth.

Boohoo faggot, get back to your wage cage and make my game run smoothly. Nigger.

man i hope putin invades America next. we need the help

Then who will be emotional about it

He said he had initiated emotion.exe
Ask me how I know how unhinged that faggot is

>Ask me how I know how unhinged that faggot is
You played the campaign?

is it 1950 again? they've been the copout longer than most living people.

Attached: brainlet2.jpg (800x450, 44.28K)

Just do your job you surly prick

im gonna tell my boss tomorrow i cant do my job because im too busy thinking about ukraine and being a dad n shit

Attached: _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg (976x850, 61.9K)

Not so hot take: both of these people are assholes and the world would be better without both of them

You sound like a fag

What an absolute faggot. I guarantee my son could kick his sons ass.

Attached: 1645351654755.jpg (651x652, 49.01K)

How's that my problem
do your fucking job

Attached: 1603157052899.png (414x410, 315.24K)

Wow literally Hitler

this is why these games are bombing. stay the fuck out of politics

the jewish press is already offloading many of biden's foreign and domestic issues onto Ukraine as we speak. They were doing it prior to the invasion. It's only going to get more obnoxious from here on.

>growing up in a world of war
Oh but let me guess, you were completely fine with the war in Afghanistan over the paat 15 years and the war in Iraq and the gulf war and the fact that the DPR and LPR have been fighting for independence for the past 7 years already. Get a grip you hysterical faggot.

Yeah, seeing this tweet all I could think about is all the shit I've already seen in my life, and I'm 34. The LA race riots, the siege of Waco, the Oklahoma City bombing, 9/11, two different Bushes invading Iraq on two separate occasions. And that's all just shit that happened involving America before I was 18.

There's always conflicts like this going on, and there probably always will be. Not to make light of what's going on in Ukraine, but it's just one of many historical events that are going to happen over the course of our lives. Billy Joel sums up my feelings on this pretty well.


>He’s just now seeing that the world has been at war.

No. You see back then zerging out emotionally over social media, email, etc, wasn’t in vogue. You were just supposed to get up and carry on with your day. Now it gets you sympathy points to bring up your mental health status any time a problem comes up. It’s how you get networking opportunities (“omg how can I help?”), job offers (“wow she’s really strong!”), and of course the eternal likes on the screen

>shamelessly using other people's suffering as an excuse to justify own bad behavior
lmao based