Why do right-wingers who cheered US wars in Vietnam, Nicaragua...

Why do right-wingers who cheered US wars in Vietnam, Nicaragua, Iraq and Afghanistan and called you a commie terrorist traitor if you disagreed with them suddenly opposed to going to war with Russia? How has the right suddenly discovered that US imperialism is shit and not based like you thought it was for decades?

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Why are leftoids who were once anti-war suddenly ravenous bloodthirsty warmongers?

Fighting commies is always good


because putin is the based guy, don't you know? left winger might be stupid but right wingers are retareded

Why would I want to go to war with someone I don't consider an enemy?

Attached: Screenshot_20220224-131502.jpg (1440x3120, 1.34M)

But I never supported any of those wars you stupid faggot.


Attached: LOL VATNIK.webm (576x1024, 2.79M)

If you don't even know the basic history of US political ideologies, I can't take you seriously. You are a fucking retard. Subhuman niggers are better than you

So let's get back to it. Time to restore freedom to . . . Portland, Oregon.

i think war is for fags
consider this:
hoo haw
what is it goood for
good for faggots

All of this does seem peculiar. What spin is the mass media taking that we aren't privy to?

This. Nobody cares about patriotism because leftoid hypocrites hold everyone else to standards they don't hold themselves to. Where are all the flag kneeled now?

pro destruction of russia and china

Worry less about us and just go fight the war yourself.

Time's a wastin'.

I'm still going to fight for Ukraine.

No, I want to fight in the war. I would do anything to fight in a war.

>Vietnam, Nicaragua, Iraq and Afghanistan
Bombing brown people with little risk
>suddenly opposed to going to war with Russia
Bombing White people, at risk of global thermonuclear war

That said Putin is absolutely in the wrong. No more brother wars.

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I'll fight on the side of whoever nukes Washington DC first.

This. How many Jews, niggers, and spics are getting killed in this war? Zero? The war helps nothing, then.

>How has the right suddenly discovered that US imperialism is shit and not based like you thought it was for decades?
Because they aren't the same people dumbfuck. Even Trump was a Democrat in the 1990s and 2000s. Today's boomer right are the exact same people as the 1960s hippie left.
>How has the right suddenly discovered that US imperialism is shit and not based like you thought it was for decades?
Again, Trump was a Democrat in the 1990s and 2000s, and so were most of his supporters. They haven't flipflopped on any of their positions. The left have. The left said affirmative action would only be for one generation in the US and now it's permanent in every single country in the western world. The left said they just wanted gays to be able to be who they want in the privacy of their homes and now children are being taken from their parents if their parents don't consent to jewish medical experimentation. The left said that what a woman does in the privacy of her home is none of society's business, and now they are saying all men are responsible for what happens in a woman's sex life. There is no "right wing" and there hasn't been for over half a century. There are just the leftists who lied to everyone and the leftists who realized they were being lied to.

Always have been.

>1 post by this id

Well thank you for your service. Future Snake island hero no doubt. I will piss on your grave when Russia wins and you are remember has globohomo nazis.

The last 2 republican presidents ran on antiwar platforms

Now with added Slayer.