Men are left to die, women can flee

Women have no place in politics. They incite wars and as always, in the end, men have to fight and pay with their lives.

Women will flee or just marry the new soldiers.

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Yeah, only men should get to vote.


I'm just here for the slav whores. Where my refugee war brides at? I want blonde fuckmeats, slav sluts now. Gimme gimme. Slav milkers are good enough for my taste.
Yes, I'm white (A FUCKING WHITE MALE, as the libs would say). I just want some slavic refugee waifu to make me some blonde babies, is all. American women are trash whores and sluts. Slav brides are more traditional and virginal. Blonde slav women walking on wheat fields with crowns of flowers on their heads. Don't you want this too, budy bro? Everything has a price. During war time, desperate refugee women who rank 10/10 are much easier to get. Can't wait to have a slav tradwife on my bed, begging for my seed. Stay mad, loser cuck. If you don't want this, it's more slav coochie for me.
I really don't care who wins, as long as I get some of that desperate slavish refugee pussy knocking at my door.

Oh boo-hoo, you have to fight and die, woopdie doo.

Women have done this since the beginning of time. They always breed with the conquering enemies. This is nothing new.

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You must be hideous bro. So much so that you make me(a dirty cotton filthy nigger) feel like a superstar chad sports car driving athlete in comparison. Sickening m8.

>men have to fight and pay with their lives

Only the plebs. Ironically, this is why women are actually right to despise average men. Why would anyone respect a powerless man, destined to be a disposable pawn with the "privilege" of sacrificing his life for others?

This is actually male privilege though and is proof that women are oppressed.
>but then why do feminists also think that males are disposable? Doesn't that mean feminism supports the Patriarchy?
shut up you misogynist incel.

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How did you manage to miss his point.

If you don't want some of that refugee slav fuckmeat that's going to come in droves, just ignore them. More for me. They will be desperate for a white sugar daddy to take care of them. America is in great need of that slavic tradwife milk. Send us slav pussym, pootin or whoever the chief of the slavs is.

after screeching equality for decades... Just proves that no one takes them seriously.
If men are expected to die they should at the very least suck some dicks or somethin desu

I will welcome ukraine's daughters.

Feminism is an oxymoron

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>Men are left to die, women can flee
Yes. You are disposable. Expendable. You will be used and discarded broken.
And nobody else will care.
They will look at the greasy smudge on the ground, grimace and step over your remains on their way.

be careful what you wish for.

America is a desert when it comes to sex. I have had opportunities once and a blue moon but I ALWAYS turn them down because I do not want to give these whores the approval they desire. They are not worthy of big Aryan cock.

Will Feminists fight this en masse to promote Gender Equality?!!!!

Scythian women didn't. They fought and died once their husbands were conquered. Different times.

Only men should have full rights. Women should always be in submission to men, the way nature and God intended.

Fuck. That. My life is my own, I’d be shooting my way out. Like a rat chewing through metal to escape a fire, nothing would stop me.

and sadly, most of those men (feminists and conservatives even) think that they will improve their chances by white knighting for the same women who think they're disposable.

yes It contradicts the folly of equality between men and women. True, but the Ukrainians really want to fight and they know that women are 90% useless.

Better yet, only those that have served should be able to vote. It would solve a lot of problems within a generation. Faggots like Trudeau and Biden would never have made it.

That's how it was in the beginning. That's how it will be in the future.

interesting... but now they are dead and out of the genepool.