What will be our ultimate reason for joining the war?

What will be our ultimate reason for joining the war?

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Wi-Fi will go out

Israeli interests

oil and Israel but mostly israel

They will cyberattack out stock markets

Since when have we needed a reason to join a war?

Putin is a big meanie


They will cyberattack out election and get republican nationalist elected

America is already over the area with jets shooting down Russian invaders in their tracks.

Tomorrow's report is going to include 1 ot 3 thousands dead Russian soldiers. Such a waste of white on white violence while the oligarchs dance and laugh.

Esau Gambit working perfectly, Goyim fall for it every time. White people die, nothing changes.

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Nazi man bad

Putin air strikes a McDonald's.

The bombing of Burger King.

Cyber attack affects poland

Many such cases.

Attack on either Colombia or some of your territories in the Atlantic

None. The war we're destined to fight is with China. What you're seeing now is a last, desperate attempt to hold the post-WW2 structure together in Europe. It won't work.

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we'll just invade Canada. they won't care and we'll bring the price of cigarettes down

Blyat lives matter


New Hunter Biden cock pics found on a laptop in chernobyl.

I dunno but hats off to your intelligence services. They predicted The invasion while other said it won't happen. You must have intercepted Putin's messages since you published the invasion order.

Russia hits a wrong target thinking nothing will happen.

You're a dumbo if you think we are not already there..why mire yourselfnwoth politico like congress and public opinion..100% we have specail ops on the ground and in the air.

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Putin will start to kill the trannies this will rally the US

The reason will be world power

The excuse will be freedom and democracy

as always. every time.

Someone finds an old tape of Putin saying "nigger."

The war having an impact on either global sea trade or the petrodollar.