Is he Based ?

Is he Based ?

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Ironically? Sure. We got a happening.


5 minutes ago he just received the report that Americans are shooting down his soldiers like fish in a Barrel.

anyone saying otherwise wasnt here before yesterday

Even if he somehow loses, he still showed the entire world that the west is cowardly and ineffectual. Very based indeed.

Putin says he wants to remove Nazis from Ukraine. I don't get how Any Forums would say this is based. Unless you guys think ukrainian Nazis are not real Nazis so it doesn't count. And honestly I wouldn't put it past Any Forums considering how retarded people here are.

The most based man on this entire planet.

Attached: image_1t928wj3su.jpg (1020x653, 235.99K)

I welcome the Russian global takeover. Yes

Death to NATO
Death to the West

I am 10 minutes into listening to his speech. So far he sounds solid

Attached: Untitled.png (2056x1032, 1.83M)

putin admitted that russia suffers from corruption, is he the good guy after all?

i'm reporting all russia/ukrainew/putin threads which don't include those keywords for "evading post filters"

keep your friends close and enemies closer. Of course if you're a sub 70 IQ retard, you would take things in at face value

As if by magic, CIA shills appear in the thread to slander Putin and the Russian people.

Pure coincidence.

The NATO golems cry out in pain as they strike you

ukranian ""nazis"" are backed by israel

I feel more patriotic when he speaks than I have with any president, so yes.

No, he reduces the Russian population and imports Muslims.

Why did he call them Nazis?

shoo shoo jew

>imports millions of africans and arabs into his own country making it so bad that russian women dream of arab men


>Making liberals and the media seethe
Yes, yes he is.

4d chess

Putin has done nothing wrong. Everything he's done has been a benfit for the Russian people

-Takes back the power from the Bratvas (Russian mob) who took control after the USSR fell.
-Beefed up the military
-Reintroduced/approved/encouraged Christianity (Orthodox) into Russia.
-Built great relations with the U.S. during the George W. Bush administration.
-Banned pedophile/homosexual propaganda in schools.
-Sent troops in to take out terrorists that took over that school
-Annexed Crimea back into Russia with little to no bloodshed
-Tried to adapt Russia to proper capitalism
-Tried to build up better relations with America during the Trump administration after Obama destroyed them.
-Made the Russian economy better than when he found it
-Continuing Russian manifest destiny right now

Putin is a better president than FDR.

fully based

Attached: PutinBased.jpg (800x600, 103.48K)