Russia can't even hold a single fucking airport in Ukraine

So Any Forums was wrong as usual with the 'muh globohomo army can't fight'. Russia is getting BTFO'd non stop currently by chad Ukraine. Will Putin off himself so he doesn't need to live with the shame?

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>Ukraine winning according to Ukraine

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>russia isn't a part of globohomo
"the west" literally built russia (and red china) into what it is today. they're not really fighting

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take off the memeflag david


what is this bullshit? lies are too elaborate, like some kind of fairy tale. And why would russians escape into the forest?

>full scale conscription because we are winning!
by this time tomorrow this will be over

>implying the Ukrainian Air Force is even functional at this point
Lmao what kind of larp is this? If that was even remotely true then you wouldn't have russian helis flying over major ukrainian cities

White Christians defended successfully from other white Christians. Don't make it seem like niggers, spics, trannies and feminists deserve any credit.

This is all bullshit. Where are the recordings of all this? Even world war 1 had footage.

Probably will take a few weeks to take the whole country like Afghanistan but yeah the politicians are already fleeing the country as seen earlier today so everyone already knows its over at this point.

It is called propaganda and disinformation
When the russians cross the dniper and encircle Kiev, they will say that russia has lost 300k men and that endsieg is near.

They did retake the airbase, but just 30 minutes ago lost it again.
I care as much about this war as I care about the presidential election.

>Russia winning according to Russia

>just 2 more weeks until Ukraine falls!

I love these cope threads.

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It realy feel like it doesn't it? No footage. It's like Wag the Dog.

me and my friends have bet amongst ourselves on how long it would take for the ukrainian surrender, my bet was 11 days.

don't talk to me huenigger

It’s all fake lmao.

No 6,000,000 soldiers and 1488 aircraft 2% of their warships and 50% of their tanks.

news coming in lads, russia just lost 2000 tanks

Imagine still believing anyone gives a fuck what happens in eastern europe

>believing all this CIA propaganda

There's not even a war going on lol

All these posts are fanfics written by Zelensky while he's hiding accompanied by pics and vids that can be traced back to be several years old.

Basically like Hitler saying the war was still winnable 3 days before Berlin fell.

>There's not even a war going on lol
I'm actually starting to think that. This is bizarre. The control of the media has become so absolute that they believe they can substitute it for reality.

I never called it a globohomo army. It would only be that if the US joined in.

Source: Trust me bro.

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