What have these niggas been up to...

What have these niggas been up to? There never was a world war without them starting it or at least making shit even worse somehow

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Just wait for it fellow polfag, serbia will unite with russia.

Russia will place nukes inside Serbia soon. You will be involved

can you be a little more self-centered and full of yourself?

Let us consult the 8ball

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They are threatening Bosnia.
Reminder that Serbs are not white, nor trad, nor Christian. They are Turkish rape babies, pro fag, pro degeneracy and not your allies or based friends.

There’s a music video on youtube of a red headed Serbian woman giving a massage to a black guy. Will give crypto if you identify it.

Who wants to fight with shit country that doesn't have anything?

without Serbia becoming a nuclear power it means nothing.

with Serbia getting nuclear rockets, all former Yugoslav countries can surrender the same day

They've been busy fucking goats and crying about Kosovo.

Still better than a muslim

>Refused to even provide an airport for them when offered
>Y-you will host their ballistic missiles
You are projecting your Slav(e) mentality on us NATO cuck.

Kill bosnian niggers
Except singer cunami he kinda fire bro

I at least have blue eyes and blonde hair, also 192cm tall.
So you can seethe, sneed and dilate Shitalian.

Comfily eating Pringles and enjoying the view before we eventually have to again sacrifice 20% of our population to win another pointless world war
>t. so much Turkish sperm in his ass he became muslim

going to walk in republika srpska kosovo and montenigger to peackeep and save serbs from evil nazis just like putin

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And your women are trophy wives for arabs and turks lmao

Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you.
Not my fucking fault the religious idiots keep promoting Arabs as good husbands.

usual chimpout and then beaten into a pulp
the traditional serbian way

this is the modest retarded thing
the closet we ever came to being a real power was being Yugoslavia, everything else is a larp

you guys are such fucking niggers holy fuck