They have the Elephant Foot, what will they do with it?

They have the Elephant Foot, what will they do with it?

Attached: Elephant_Foot.jpg (1431x1048, 528.06K)

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maybe hunter will smoke it

USA funded covid labs in the ukraine and it was merely a coincidence that their china lab fucked up

It was Russia territory when that happened, ignorant murrica piece of shit

Jewish sculpture.

Attached: 1636726570220.png (599x389, 289.1K)

what do you think it feels like to get close to it?

The Elephant's Foot isn't as much of a threat as it used to be. Apparently it's not even hard anymore, and it's disintegrated into radioactive sand

Why would anyone get this close

Attached: eyJidWNrZXQiOiJjb250ZW50Lmhzd3N0YXRpYy5jb20iLCJrZXkiOiJnaWZcL2VsZXBoYW50cy1mb290LmpwZyIsImVkaXRzIjp7InJlc2l6ZSI6eyJ3aWR0aCI6ODI4fX19.jpg (828x466, 88.7K)

Captured soldiers will be forced to lick it

Make a Dragon Dildo out of it and send it to Belle Delphine


would you kiss the elephant's foot for good luck user?

he ded

Elephant Foot Waste Basketâ„¢s

Attached: Rosco.jpg (205x363, 25.1K)

die going within 5ft of it thinking it's physically possible to weaponize it. shit is so radioactive it goes through hazmat suits.

radioactivity is a government meme


No it was not you moronic sandnigger macaco. It was soviet territory. Fucking idiot.

come up with better lies. it should be easy for your race since you lie constantly about everything

Attached: 1571343457721.jpg (1536x2048, 358.26K)

what am i looking at

>Putin now has direct access to the Wish Granter
Fuck bros... It's all over.

Attached: Wish_Granter.png (663x866, 1.05M)

footfags on suicide watch