America was a mistake

America was a mistake

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Wait until you see canada.
But yea, send nukes please

Yes and am*ricans are a disease.

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She's not wrong though.

She's right though.

Go kneel to your nigger idols already you pathetic muttoid faggot retard.

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based negress

Is that shill account or did our psyop actually catch someone?

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There is NOTHING redeemable about America. Not even one thing. The culture is dreadful, people behave like maniacal sociopaths, worshiping money over God. The food is poisoned, covered in glyphosate, unripe, nutritionless, GMO filth. The air is filled with chemtrails. The waterways are filled with microplastics, estrogens from birth control, fluoride, etc. The people, oh man the people. I could go on for ages about all the things Americans do that fill me with anger.

If you sit down and observe how Americans act, everything they do is greedy, self-servicing, or completely pointless. The concept of soul no longer exists in this land. The last remnants of what America was is in the elderly WW2-era people who are on their death beds.

The conservatives conserve absolutely nothing, they just slow down the agenda ever so slightly. Today's conservatives are yesterday's hardcore liberals. Tomorrow our conservatives will be Leninists while the Left will be Trotskyists. No Americans who read this post even understood that reference, which shows how poorly educated Americans are, also. The education systems are not about teaching people to strive, innovate, and achieve, but rather to conform and consume. People here have no conception of higher ideals, caring only for their basest desires, food, sex, drugs. ALL of which they consume in excess, because moderation isn't encouraged in any respect. Gamblers, cheats, and con artists is the USA. (Cont)

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(Cont) The movies worship criminal niggers, and meth cooks (you know what the fuck I am talking about).

They encourage promiscuity and actively mock chastity, loyalty, virtue, and practically all morals. Even the "conservative" "based and redpilled" Americans actively enjoy Jewish filth like "Always Sunny", "Sopranos" (hahahahah Jamal Ginsberg!!!!), or what ever have you boomer sitcoms. They love watching White men, fathers be emasculated while their intelligent but loving wives fix everything.

Their games consist of mindless violence, sex, drugs, the usual stuff they enjoy in real life. They love to pay $60+ (with DLC, of course!) to play as mulatto niggers and women killing the evil bad White guy. Recently, they also hate masculinity and view it as a toxic, non-integral part of civilization. The children actively mimic niggers and emulate nigger rappers in everything they do. Once again even the "based and redpilled" Americans here and everywhere love talking like niggers.

Truly, I could go on for ages and ages. I have in the past. There is nothing redeemable about this country. Not a single one aspect AT ALL. Get that through your thick, 7% Cherokee (BASED!) heads.

And finally, the one "redeemable" aspect most Americans love to use

>but muh gunz
Which has done nothing but given you a false sense of security. While hundreds of thousands of Euros and Aussies protest against lockdowns you sit your potbellied ass in your disgusting slobby den eating fast food and LARPing about how you'll do something once X line is crossed. But you will FOREVER and EVER change the goalposts until you are dead, likely of heart disease.


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This meme was literally started here


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show your flag spic

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> NO U!!!!
> Waaaaah YoU'Re muSt be a CcP ChiNk, jeW oR ShiTskiN iF yoU HaTe AmerikWA

LOL like clockwork with you pathetic mutts.

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Don't worry they get caught occasionally being a dumbass

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I see nothing wrong with that post as its absolutely spot on. Seethe some more and go pound sand you pathetic muttoid faggot retard LOL.

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Lol. Nope. Niggers don't matter. They do nothing for society but collapse neighborhoods and financially burden the state. Wait and see. America is Detroit in the 90s.

Allowing jews in the US was a mistake, they brought all the blacks here and then blamed slavery on us.

Save these, and send to every black person and organization you know.

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Ah yes, that family that you guys fought for in every war since the existence of your nation?

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I thought diplomatic relations and preventing a nuclear warfare were pretty damn important.

Guess some gangster parasites life matters more

Even in the South, the sugar and cotton slave farms were owned by jews, white southerners weren't fighting to keep slaves, they were trying to stop the international banking cartels, lost, and that's why we have the Federal Reserve.

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That picture was born right here on Any Forums and that account is a troll account. You're an idiot.

imagine falling for a pol sockpuppet lmao

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>obvious troll account
nice slide thread retard

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If nigger protesters are the face of this country, then may Putin and his allies wipe it from the face of the Earth. BLM is a terrorist organization, always has been, always will be, and if they dominate this country's political sphere, any anti-US aggression is eminently justified.

Get fucked niggers, you're about to see what war actually is.

I‘m pretty sure that was just a troll account

It's a waste of time arguing with blacks, point out the one shaking the bottle of red vs black ants, the one who is responsible for the misery of the entire world.

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I can't believe this Any Forums meme is actually gaining traction. That's hilarious

I'm ironically thankful for "blm"... it shows me who to detach from instantly.

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nearly all of them had slaves!

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all the stories of white cotton slave farm owners were BS, it was all jews.

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Of course, the issues of BIPOC should always come first. War is Ukraine is nothing compared to the genocide the american police is enacting upon their melanated population.

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Slavery and usury, I'm telling you, they come from Hades.

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Slavic lives in general dont matter.

Nigger Lives Don't Matter

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Kek BLM btfo

This. They're riots did more harm than. They deserve to starve.

Always remember.

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sup fellow mutt