Americans who right now support Putin, do you understand that Putin will not limit himself to Ukraine alone...

Americans who right now support Putin, do you understand that Putin will not limit himself to Ukraine alone, he will then want the Baltic countries, Finland, Poland, and finally he will want to take away Alaska and California from the USA? This is a dictator stuck in the 19th century and has imperial ambitions.
Your country(USA) is next after Ukraine, Baltic countries, and ect.

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good, I hope he invades DC tomorrow and turns it to glass

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Okay. Libs brought this on themselves. Fuck'em.

Oh i dont like putin at all, i just have a burning hatred for the jewish liberals who control our government, henceforth why i will not be helping them.

I refuse to serve under the current liberal government they do not represent my intrests and their ideology is everything I find disgusting. Let them send the faggots and trannys to go fight and die. Liberals started this mess they can clean it up alone.

Oh God I hope so

America is a walking corpse

You're wrong but I wish you weren't

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But will they make my country gay like the EU?

I do not support Putin's action in relation to Ukraine

Commiefornia isn't American any way. He can have it, but not Alaska.
Truth be told, I hope Russians and globohomo zogbots kill each other.

they will arrange in your country 1984

What does it matter what we support? Our government doesn’t listen to us. 75% against Iraq and Afghanistan since like 2006. Fuck off


Hmmm.... 1984 or gays.... 1984 or gays.... oh I can’t decide!


>He can have it, but not Alaska
he will first of all try to take him to Alaska, because Alaska was part of the Russian Empire, and this crazy dictator play right now "emperor"

i hope he did so i can erase the niggers and the arabs from my country

I'll fucking pay you to take California

Why? They will offer themselves up when they go bankrupt.
Situation normal.
Possibly. Well defended though. What does Ukraine have to do with Alaska?
He already has it, they're USSR 2.0, now with fags and drugs.

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Putin may know about the big secret. Tons of Russians visited the "812" website in November and December. Here's the Twitter thread which includes a link to the website:

So, based on Putin's recent actions, do you think he knows about the secret?

Republicunts fuck shit up and blame the libs


>he will want to take away Alaska and California from the USA?
>this is a bad thing
Need to work on your baiting skills m8, too obvious.




Don't care this is clearly upsetting globohomo and thats all that matters.

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Try being the operative word. You can't take Alaska if Alaskans dont want to be taken.

Thank god Sarah Palin is keeping an eye on him for us.

seems like its putin vs kikes
i don't trust any gov official demonizing him

Good. Hope he conquers us too. We will unironically be more free under Putin then now. Freedom of speach? Try saying gays shouldnt be able to adopt in a public venue and watch yourself get cancelled which is effectively a financial prison sentence.

You have to walk on eggshells not offend certain groups here and im so tired of it. Mandatory breathelizers in new vehicles coming 2027. Thats how they punish felon DUIs. Now you share their punishment regardless.

Keep telling yourself were free
Ill keep praying that Putin will liberate us.

they voted for biden nd biden wanted war. americans wanted this, 80 billion americans

I'll worry about it when it becomes my problem. Faggot.

good. about time to eradicate degeneracy. hope he also annexes Alaska and my home state Washington. i'd gladly join him

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Oh another russian liberal. Why don't you go on protest and scream "SHAAAAME" ?

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Don't forget Hollywood

I literally, figuratively, do not care what happens in Europe. I want military tribunals to happen to every Pentagon official who lied about Iraq and weapons of mass destruction and I want a full investigation on why America lost to barbarian fighters in Afghanistan after 20 years.

That's all more important than USSR having another fight with a USSR country. I view Russia and its neighbors as USSR and I don't care enough to tell them apart.

Whats he gonna do to America?
Ban faggotry and trannies?
Wow what a big loss.

>seems like its putin vs kikes
Putin is a kike

Libs blame everything they are doing on their opposition. Hope they all die in the war they chose to start to keep power. I will be sitting this one out dont bother to recall me to service I will not fight for Joe the traitor Biden.

>takeaway California
Where's the problem?

Sorry Chaim. You're going to have to go save Jewlinsky yourself

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No shit.
I don't support anyone involved in this conflict. European problems should stay European problems.
Invading mainland America would be an interesting proposition. Good luck.

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Good. End this chicken fried mcnightmare.

>Putin is a kike

seems like a pretty based kike

A traitor to a Jewish supremacist government? That's a GOOD quality, kike.

Crimea was annexed when Joe Biden was Vice President.
Ukraine was invaded when Joe Biden was President.

"This is is the Republican's fault and Trump is a Putin spy". I take it you started believing your own lies after repeating them enough times but the reality is there weren't any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and USA lost Afghanistan and Iraq. And each time Russia claimed more USSR land there was a Democrat in the White House. :-) Keep lying and defending trannies you fucking liberal faggot.

Why are you scared of freedom and human rights? Unironically go move to russia, nobody wanta your fat loser ass in america

He wants California? Are you sure you are trying to talk us out of not giving a shit?


>take away California
Please for the love of god, my dick can only get so hard!

sounds based

based based based
please take california

nobody cares! Lets fight for zog and fake vaccines!

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So they'll do nothing that isn't already happening?

can't you fucking retards see?
THIS is how it all starts. every single country demonizing a person and then 10 years from now he's seen as bad as hitler.

Putin's taking ALL the hot pussy, bros


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>Americans who right now support Putin, do you understand that Putin will not limit himself to Ukraine alone, he will then want the Baltic countries, Finland, Poland, and finally he will want to take away Alaska and California from the USA?
I though you're trying to make me hate him?

While invading europe is gay and i dont fucking support it dont fucking tease me with promises of taking california off the US and giving me hopes at a decent nation after a few election cycles.

A traitor for wanting your cuntry to implode. The one that gave you freedom to write this message. The one that lets you protest and run for office if you don't like current things. So, yes, traitor.

How can you be a traitor to someone that wants you dead? hahaha!

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Relax schizoid

>I want a full investigation on why America lost to barbarian fighters in Afghanistan after 20 years.
To be fair we had won the war in Afganistan and had pushed insurgent forces to a small area of the country where they were trapped until Traitor Joe decided to Pull out with no plan leaving the untrustworthy and cowardly allied Afghan military with no support. Had we stayed the insurgents would have been exterminated in a few more years with minimal loss of life on our side compared to the numbers of people we killed. We lost because Biden is a spineless coward who wanted to be known for ending a war. He will only be remembered as the worst president in history who lost a war we had already won and started a second war less than a year later.


Holy fuck I didn't know Miley went SO degenerate since 2013 (last time I saw her).

>Any Forums hates globohomo and kikes
>globohomo and kikes say putin bad
>they must be right

and you know all that because you're a mind reader


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Don't care lol.

If he tried that he wouldn't last 5 minutes. If you hate him so much then let him try a stunt like that.

literally not my problem

What an insult to a legend like Hitler to compare him to fucking Putin.

>seems like a pretty based kike
Shit like this is why the circle of servitude wont be broken.

Based, first statesman from the XXI century. All the other leaders have been or are faggots controlled by Globohomo without power.

He is a source familiar with his thinking.

>Baltic countries, Finland, Poland, and finally he will want to take away Alaska and California from the USA?
Nope. We would erase your country

Based. Anything that makes these MSM democrat rats seethe is a good thing.

Not my problem.

why do you keep posting the forced edit, shlomo?

If they wanted you dead, they would've gulagged you long ago, like in mother russia that you worship so much. Instead, they let you shitpost and say whatever you want and even run for office if ypu weren't a lazy trash all day. So, yes, traitor.



Brainwashed liberal self-hating cuckold


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>W-w-w-we were winning the whole time! I swear! If Biden had just given us two more weeks to fight we could have wiped out the Taliban permanently!

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George Bush gave the Munich speech which kicked all this off.



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