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Germany and France are captured by their dependence on Russian energy. Its game over, the Jews have lost. Prepare to bow to your new masters, the Jews.

Based, now bring back that pipeline

France is not dependent on Russian energy, it's energy independent thanks to nuclear power.

Isn’t it amazing that our leaders are so retarded that they can’t predict what some neckbeards on Any Forums did ages ago

BASED EU POLITICIANS. I never doubted you


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They understand the reality of the situation, US doesn't give a shit what happens in europe.

It's already built. Anyone who thinks they are really going to discard it for some kike pipeline running through fucking Turkey is retarded.

Long live Nord Stream 2.

The Ukrainian army literally had Nazi symbols on their uniforms. The West just labels anyone it doesn't like Nazis because their religion is radical anti-Europeanness

The US cares very much -- it just doesn't have the capability to do anything about it.


Hasn't passed inspection phase

These the same people that occupy their time by calling us an American vassal state?


It will.

They really don’t. They’re just too weak to even do that. Had they understood it they wouldnt have lashed out either. European degenerate libtard leaders want to remain pacifist while judging the rest of the world. This is decadence of magnitudes worse than Rome at its collapsed. Only reason it still exists is US propping us up. We will collapse like a house of cards once you back off.

not in the near future

Are you saying that worshiping niggers or amputating dicks/tits just doesn't cut it anymore? Sad.

Are you implying that both sides are controlled? Which side is NOT under the (((influence))) then??


>Can't do anything about it
Well how about losing? You guys love losing wars. In fact lost every single war for the past 75 years lol

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They need more nigger propaganda and rainbow flags

These are the beginning stages of US withdrawal from europe, prepare accordingly.

Russia is not controlled by jews. Jews have influence and they do have some power, but Russia is not a captured state. If israel and jews want something from Russia [and China] they have to produce, they have to make it worth their while.

Even your dailymail newspaper accidentally printed it
Look closely at the uniform of the female soldiers that they advertise us heroes fighting to protec their homeland. Kek; everyone in Eastern Europe know it but they are keeping it out of Western European news to keep normie heads from explodin

>meet the new jew
>same as the old jew

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Putin literally said it was one of their goals to get rid of the Nazi movement there, retard

they aren't captured, they joined

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Energy is power.
The US and EU buttfucked themselves with their climate garbage and willingly sacrificed all of their energy production, while being stupid and hypocritical enough to not actually do anything about their energy consumption really.
So frankly, the EU needs Russia more than Russia needs the EU. Because the EU has no power. The US can't supply that power, because they don't have enough either for the same reasons.