Kraut/pol/ - I have only begun Edition

What do you think fellow Germs, will they use the Ukraine situation to cover up the decision over a vaccine mandate in early March?

Thread BGM:

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oh no, not israelino

>chabad wants the LGBT jews to be gassed

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false, there is at least one nuclear strike happening

i said it years ago, the point of this war is to depopulate central europe. israel will be destroyed and jews will settle in ukraine belarus and poland once again

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precisely this

Not great not terrible. Need at least 3.6 nuclear strikes for a proper happening.

they need the nuclear fear for after everything settled down, otherwise people will be like
>before war: everything shit, gay
>after war: waaaay better

>4-5% Impfnebenwirkungen mit ärtzlicher Behandlung

Oh who would have thought?

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you hanses are "safe" so to speak. the jews have another plan for the western europe
you better find a jewish waifu quick mate or you're part of the lower caste

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the pits of degeneracy must suffer, that is what I all care for

have read your picrel closely and know my place...

If you can't win against Yuri, you have to become Yuri!

Ich bin sehr überrascht, dass sie damit jetzt schon an die Öffentlichkeit gehen und nicht noch ein paar Jahre warten. Vermutlich haben der Krankenkassenvorstand Angst nachträglich auch strafrechtlich belangt zu werden.


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Just leaving this here from another thread:

Bundestag: Unvaccinated have to legally pay for the side effects to to vaccine.

Following is a very interesting discovery by an Austrian user, for some reason krauts and /pol / in general might not know this. The following text is a reproduction of the Austriaanon’s thesis. I am only reproducing it in concise form.

> There was a currency reform in 1948 when the Reichsmark became Deutschemark.
> There was an overnight devaluation of 17100% [1] for equities and fiat assets but no devaluation for liabilities.
> This hurt those who held the savings and equity in the fiat currency where as it was outrageously advantageous to those who held precious metals and properties as assets.
> In August 1952 a Burden Equalization Act (Lastenausgleichgesetz for you krautniggers) was passed.
> Citizens with properties and other tangible assets were supposed to pay of 50% of their net worth in quarterly installments to the federal government.
> The last installment was submitted in 1982.

What does this has anything to do with Corona pandemic, absence of traditional vaccines for German citizens, the furor with one particular Krankenkasse ( = work insurance, I will post the scans below) and the next phase of this plandemic?

We have to bump this thread every 1 or 2 minutes otherwise it will die.

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> Amendments to Article 21 of the Social Compensation Law (Lastenausgleichgesetz) was passed on December 12, 2019 [2] (Note the date 12.12. or 10.12. = 112 for you xpolfags).
> In particular Book Fourteenth of the Social code (SGB XIV) was also amended on Nov. 17, 2019 to be in application starting January 1st 2024.
> SGB 14 regulates the compensation to people who have suffered damage from war and…. vaccination or other specific prophylaxis measures [2] according to Infection Protection Act (Infektionschutzgesetz).

So, in summary, from 01.01.24 the state can carry burden sharing in proportion to the net worth of the individuals.

Note that the Bundestag has not “in princip” enforced mandatory vaccination to anyone (coercion does not count, you weak willed jabbies ). So they can just say “Well Goy, you got the experimental jab by yourself !”. Though it is not a very likely possibility.
What will most likely happen is that the side effects of the “vaccination” will become more and more obvious, STIKO (German CDC), Kikerbach and the Federal Government will Deny, Deny, Deny, Gaslight.. until the heat from the Insurance companies is too much.

Then, all of a sudden, the Bundestag will likely trigger the SGB mentioned earlier. This will lead to a jump in insurance contribution and federal taxes so much that it would be more feasible to rent things than to own things.
Welcome to the Rent-Economy! you will own nothing.. and you will be happy [3].

Damn it feels good to be a pureblood, I am fucking off to elsewhere once the shitshow winds down.

[3] There are injections to make you happy.

Repoasting Austriaanon's post.
Are you also familiar with your grandparents' reports about the time after World War II, when very painful monetary policy measures were carried out against the backdrop of runaway inflation, war debts and the people who had lost everything? I would like to take a very brief look at the events of that time and then draw the link to our time today.

First there was a currency reform in 1948 [1], in which the Reichsmark became the D-Mark. However, the newly created state immediately used the opportunity to dispose of a large part of its liabilities through the currency reform, as only 6.50 D-Marks were available for 100 Reichsmarks. This applied to everything that was in bank accounts, government bonds, debentures, building society savings and also the assets from life and pension insurance. Liabilities, i.e. loans, and current payments (rents, pensions, etc.), on the other hand, were converted 1: 1 and thus remained in full. In the course of the currency reform in 1948, monetary assets were massively devalued.

Since the currency reform hit savers in particular and had spared property owners, in August 1952 the equalization of burdens [2] for citizens with real assets, especially real estate, was carried out. A burden equalization of 50% was paid to the state on all assets. This enormous financial burden was then paid off to the state in 1/4 annual installments over a period of 30 years. In 1982 the Burden Equalization Act ended with the last installments. Actually…

What does this have to do with Corona and the planned vaccination requirement?


I've already read your text in this thread and I still don't know how you come to "Unvaccinated have to legally pay for the side effects to to vaccine" as a conclusion.

The previous financial system with compound interest repeatedly falls into a trap it has set itself. Capital always shifts to an extremely rich but small group over the years. The rest of the people have to pay interest on this wealth of the super-rich through their labor, but this is becoming more and more difficult because the capital that can be interest-bearing continues to grow. Therefore this system needs a reset every now and then. In the past, wars were very popular for this. In the past, death and suffering were accepted in order to maintain and expand wealth. Why should it be any different today?

Fortunately, there has not yet been a Third World War (in view of the large nuclear arsenals that would be dangerous for the “elites” themselves), but the problem of the financial system persists. Since the 1980s, the deregulation of the financial markets and the emergence of highly speculative derivatives markets made matters worse, as a result of which real capital formation continued to lose ground.

This is how the financial crisis came in 2008. Banks and investors were "saved" by the states. However, at a very high price. In addition to the extreme national debt (for which taxpayers ultimately have to pay for), large sections of the population, especially in Germany, have been partially expropriated by means of a glut of money from the central banks through negative interest rates and extreme increases in the price of assets. The high prices of the properties do not mean that they have become more valuable. The currencies (especially the euro and the US dollar) are simply worth less due to the glut of money. Sooner or later this must lead to a crash. The later the worse.


>and I still don't know how you come to "Unvaccinated have to legally pay for the side effects to to vaccine" as a conclusion.
That is why I am reposting the entire essay below.

>Ukraine "war" endgame
The Ukraine invasion is as fake as covid.
The endgame of this theater is to keep pushing the vaxx.
The unvaxxed can't join the military BUT because the normies will believe it's war they will give the goverment greenlight to send soldiers to your home and force jab you.
They will enforce it in good conscience so you too are vaxxed and can join the military to fight bad guy putin.
They will say it's for a good cause and the safety of the country or maybe even world.

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>Vermutlich haben der Krankenkassenvorstand Angst nachträglich auch strafrechtlich belangt zu werden.
genau das ist es

In 2019 the time had come. In September there was almost another crisis in the financial markets, which would have eclipsed the 2008 financial crisis. The so-called repo market (this is the part of the money market through which banks and hedge funds borrow money from one another) with a worldwide volume of around 15,000 billion euros! had to be bailed out by the US central bank, the Fed, with hundreds of billions of dollars. After all the silverware had been squandered to rescue the banks in 2008 and the associated extreme indebtedness of the states, another crash over global domino effects would have led to chaos. The public hardly noticed this, however. [3]

In my opinion, this triggered the “pandemic” that had long been discussed among the “elites” in order to put the global financial and economic system on a new footing and to protect and further increase the wealth of the super-rich.


The WHO has long been brought in line with a lot of money, including from China and private investors [4], and the member states are obliged by the internationally binding treaty on the International Health Regulations (IHR) to follow the instructions of the WHO, especially in the event of a pandemic Afford. This contract was amended in 2005 in view of the increasing globalization and international spread of infectious diseases such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and came into force on June 15, 2007 [5]. In April 2009 (shortly after the start of the financial crisis) the definition of a pandemic was significantly watered down by the WHO [6]. Previously it took an “enormous number” of deaths worldwide for a pandemic, since then positive test results have been sufficient. The swine flu pandemic was declared on June 11th, 2009. Fortunately, this pandemic has been exposed as completely exaggerated. Even then, the PCR test played an inglorious role. On October 31, 2020, the WHO changed the definition of herd immunity, which in future can no longer be achieved through natural immunity, but only through vaccination [7].

By the way, have you already noticed that the American CDC will no longer allow the PCR test for corona detection from the turn of the year? This cannot reliably differentiate between influenza and corona viruses [8]. Maybe a reason why influenza seems to be extinct? This is only marginally.
In 2010, the Rockefeller Foundation described in its report “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development” [9] the “lock step” scenario in the event of a flu pandemic. Thought was given to the political and social opportunities and challenges that arise from the fear-inducing pandemic. The result showed that a worldwide lockstep combined with totalitarian measures would be promising to install surveillance states in the wake of the pandemic.

Other elements of our life today were also prepared before Corona, such as a digital vaccination certificate in the EU since 2018 [10] [11]. The Global Vaccination Summit in Brussels on September 12th, 2019 under the patronage of the EU Commission and the WHO [12] is also very informative.

On October 19, 2019, "Event 201" (translated: Event January [20]) took place in New York under the auspices of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security (founded by the Rockefeller Foundation) and supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum (WEF) [13]. The exercise dealt with the fictional case of a global pandemic triggered by a new type of coronavirus called nCov-19. In addition to the lockdown and travel restrictions, the focus was also on communication in the pandemic and how to deal with fake news.

In the then actually occurring "pandemic" from January 20, the Johns Hopkins University via the Corona Dash Board provides the worldwide figures with which the abolition of fundamental rights is justified worldwide, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation via theirs Investments (including invested in BioNTech since autumn 2019) the vaccines [14] and the World Economic Forum with its founder Klaus Schwab and his book "Covid-19 - The Great Reset" [15] the ideological framework.

However, two changes to the law by the German Bundestag in autumn 2019, also before Corona, are decisive for my contribution: Changes to Article 21 of the Act regulating the Social Compensation Law (Burden Equalization Act) of December 12, 2019 with effect from January 1, 2024 can be found here.


Yes, I've already read it in the other threads. They could have used the same mechanic in other situations (for smokers and fatties for example), but they didn't. Why would they do it now?

In this amendment, the purpose of "Welfare for War Victims" for which the Burden Equalization Act was created is replaced by the term "Social Compensation" and reference is made to Book Fourteenth of the Social Code, which has also been amended. Amendment to Book 14 of the Social Code (SGB XIV) from November 7th, 2019 with effect from January 1st, 2024. To be found here.

"The new 14th Book of the Social Code (SGB XIV) regulates the compensation of damage-related needs of ... people who have suffered damage to health through a vaccination or other specific prophylaxis measures according to the Infection Protection Act."

So let's summarize briefly: From 01.01.2024 the state can carry out a burden sharing (a nice word for expropriation) in the assets of the entire population for the compensation of victims of vaccination.

The leaked contracts with the vaccine manufacturers state that they have no liability whatsoever [16]. This is the responsibility of those willing to vaccinate, who, with their consent to "the proposed vaccination", bear the risk of participating in this medical experiment. What do you think, why the Covid vaccinations with their only conditional approvals are the only vaccinations where you have to sign something? [17]. Ultimately, you take part in a medical study for which the manufacturer assumes no liability. The victim of the vaccine can only turn to the state and hope for compensation.


No reason to hold back information, when your CDU friends aren't in power. Also the average Bürger is so dumb, deluded and cucked that 100% Nebenwirkungen wouldn't wake him up.

>Why would they do it now?
You would know.

A general compulsory vaccination is important for the state, as this is the only way to justify a burden sharing across all citizens. Otherwise everyone who has not been vaccinated could rightly ask why they should be liable for the harm caused to others who voluntarily took the risk of experimental vaccination. In addition, of course, it is also about no longer having an unvaccinated control group, which is actually absolutely necessary for a medical study, but should raise questions about the personal liability of individual protagonists.

For regular approval without specific obligations, the manufacturers of the vaccines must meet further study results and other specific obligations within a certain period of time [18]. The conditional approvals will be renewed on an annual basis until then, in the case of BioNTech / Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca recently done by the EMA.

By the end of 2023 (assuming a cycle of 6 months) each test person / citizen will have received 7 syringes with the experimental gene-based vaccines. Incidentally, that also fits in with the unbelievable quantities of vaccine doses ordered by the EU. At the start of the vaccination campaign, 2.3 billion vaccine doses were ordered, with only around 450 million inhabitants [19], i.e. 5 vaccinations per inhabitant of all ages. In the meantime even more cans have been ordered, including another 1.8 billion cans from BioNTech in May [20]. Anyone who believes that it was that with the current boosters also believes in the asymptomatic patient and the PCR test.

If you take into account the serious side effects of the vaccination up to and including deaths that go beyond all scales for previous vaccines (see graphic based on the American VAERS database), you have to reckon with an extremely high number of vaccine victims and victims in the next few years.
