Whats he thinking right now?

Attached: biden-pic.png (877x751, 606.32K)


"We need to mobilise Truinanashabadaprezzure"

>who crapped my pants


My butt’s been whipped


that's the beauty of it:how do you defeat an adversary that doesn't think?

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what year is it?

Brain dead..no thinking at all...

Probably wishes Trump had won at this point

Wow Michael Jordan played well yesterday

Where am i? who am i? wha- russia? i'll show Mikhail Gorbachev who's in charge.


He's tninking about putin dropping the soap in the shower...

>I could really go for some ice cream right now

probably about how hot, wet, and tight natalie is

>Democrats get power in 2008
>Everyone stomps our shit
>Trump gets power in 2016
>Pax Americana, peace everywhere
>Democrats get power in 2020
>Everyone stomps our shit
uh, bidenbros? i dont feel so good.....

Ol’ cornflake…. He uhhh, he did this thing that… ummm. Jill? JILL?! WHERES HUNTER, JILL?!


>whats he thinking right now?
pee pee poo poo

Nothing. He has achieved the total Zen of dementia.

81 million votes

He is weak man and Americans have been dying in America.
Who cares and if you do ? The cops will lock you up.

That he'll make sure Democrats will never come back.

Yeah, they should know, they printed them all.

Where are little children at?

Kek. Underated