Fuck russia

No cap, i friggin hate you russian bros rn

on god i hope you get ganked by the world

Attached: FUCK RUSSIANS.png (896x845, 1.02M)

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foh real bruh af

Why the fuck aren't the wemen getting drafted

fr russians be like sde right now like bruh
ukraine finna come thru cuz on jah

based ukie, hope he gets killed

We told you Ukraine was literally a nazi state baka...

Because women are shit at war and are more of a liability than anything.

Russia isn’t bussin

Don't care, I'm an incel who will never have a family

What a drama queen, crying in front of his child. Faggot. This is your brain on Netflix propaganda

They will be brought to West as brides or into brothels to satisfy and deradicalize Western incels

I believe in you Ukraine! :(

You need lots of wombs to repopulate but very few penises

I'll look after your wife and daughter, send them to me.

You go fight, I'll keep them safe.

Am i supposed to care
show me the picture of his body blown to bits and his head the only thing remaining

Propaganda! He kneel for BLM in front his family

I know. There are a lot of redpilled westerners here bro. We know Ukraine is a globohomo puppetstate that literally oppressed the russian population. Funny how globohomonews never mentions the atrocious they commited.

>canadian with a opinion
imagine taking anything a maple syrup drinking faggot says seriously. your country is dead to me after what you did ottawa, go fuck yourself faggot.

America has not had enough time to reeducate Ukraine's patriarchal transphobic white supremacist society

Shut the fuck up Zoomer, go die for Israel in the Ukraine.

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Rofl why does he not stay with family and not go to die? his fault, journorat. If they would ask me to draft ever i tell em "No, im not going to kil and die for some meaningless people in my life". Fuck you kikels

you bet all the cunts voted for feminists though.

based incel
based tough guy
based gorefag
and globohomopilled

What a subhuman comment.

>over emotional articles with very sad pictures
Oldest trick in the book.

Attached: 1645681754522.gif (476x480, 2.79M)

>be manz in the 21st century
>play on "lol, suck it" mode
>less rights and privileges than ever
>be wamanz
>play on tutorial "do I even need to try?" mode
>get away with it scratch free
Nothing new under the sun.

Attached: 1645666499753.jpg (1024x664, 47.95K)

Don't forget a trashbag for your corpse pieces, so they can at least send you back.

Oldest trick in the book indeed.

I am not gloating, it's a fact that has nothing to do with Ukraine but with all Slavic countries, there is a huge Incel problem in West and Western Europeans always saw Slav men as their cannon fodder and Slav women as their personal concubines,

or, you know he could just leave like the fucking army and EU puppet are doing

hell half the population are waiving at russian troops steamrolling by


Based krautbro.
I've noticed that beltcucks are the most prolific russiahaters on here. They are so fucking annoying


get blown up by Ruskies faggot

Did the father fight to keep globohomo out of his country?
Is the father fighting to keep globohomo in his country?