I declare that Romania stands firmly and willingly alongside Russia

I declare that Romania stands firmly and willingly alongside Russia.
Our nations have been brothers across history, we must not let outside strife broke the boundless bond that ties us

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fuck you, does Ribbentrop -molotoc ring a bell? What about places such as fantana Alba?
Romanians stand only with Romanians and even those not all that much.

Do gypsys even know how to do anything besides grift tourists?

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Take hot blonde refugee Sonya and reproduce, or support mutt jew with tank fetish...

i declare you are a faggot, and you should turn off your vpn

thats what all the ones here do

All Russians are mongoloid animals and belong in GEHENNA.

Iron Guard 2.0 when?

Russia will annex Moldova. Not you

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>Is literally part of NATO

my dick stands firmly and willingly inside your mother

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>t. Cluj
Go hack a ATM or sth, Russia needs more DAGS

aduceti toate gagicile LA MINE

>gypsies ally with mongols

Whoaaaa didn't see that coming

>I declare that Romania stands firmly and willingly alongside Russia.

sucking putin's dick won't work.

Look at all these Russians in this thread stampeding, trampling on each other, rushing to return your affections, dumbo OP.

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I declare that you are an idiot who stands firmly and willingly alongside idiots.

Also, enlighten me, how have we been brothers with Russia?

Bulevardul Kisseleff iti spune ceva bobitza???
razboiul din 1877?
faptul ca de bine sau rau mai dadeau muie la otomani?

he looks as white as your average romanian

I solemnly declare that this poster is a gypsy piece of shit.

looks like your average french fag

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please liberate us from anal tyranny

No, we don't. And Russia has always fucked us on every occasion. And I don't like Ukraine either, they're the same. For example, few years ago they forbidden the Romanian language from all schools, now that's a dick move when you have half a milion Romanians living there. Or they intentionally sank Rostock just ahead of Sulina channel, blocking it and causing 17 mil euro loss? Fuck em too.

Poti sa iei muie si de la mine daca vrei boul dracului.
Uniunea sovietica iti spune ceva tigan imputit?

>switch side

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Kek, sooner than expected.

daca nu erau comunistii acum dormeai in coliba de chirpici, ca moromete.