Even /ourguy/ is calling out the traitors

Even /ourguy/ is calling out the traitors

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your understanding of memes is lacking

Why are you're sticking your jew nose in literally everywhere?

where is amongus????

>calling out the traitors
No, I don't think so. You can keep your head up your ass though.

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Shut up tranny worshipper. Fucking antichrist scum.

Fuck america
Death to the great satan

quiet troon

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you do know if russia takes ukraine there will be nothing stopping him from taking over the entire europe.

there is a time to put domestic squabbles aside
and that is when your nation, your ideology, as a whole, is under attack
you edgelording faggots think russia would accept you as their own? have you never been to russia? they're the most xenophobic mongols on this planet.
they'd kill you for being american
then they'd kill you again for good measure because you betrayed your country

Completely inaccurate. The soldier should be brown.

Still not gonna take it

There is no good side. But at the end of the day, screw america and anything our government is involved in.

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so Bouldeyeet has been paid opposition the entire time?

Hmmmm would I fight for a country that hates me and panders/promotes niggers, spics, faggots and trannys?

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russians didnt kick down my door and steal my guns for being uncircumsized

>were not in Europe

>your ideology
swing and a miss

>red white and blue
>despite being white blue red or red blue white

their eyes

ukraine is at war and I find gabobus in web comic

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then what will stop himfrom invading the united states and canada?

WEF wants the US to be reduced to a regional power. We're being setup to lose. Ukraine, Afghanistan, Hong Kong and soon Taiwan. The USD will lose reserve currency status and the US will be hollowed out per Deagle projections. End game is nigh.

Tough shit mutt have fun dying for homosexual rights in Ukraine. I spit on you and this nation.


The USA is literally the baddies this time.

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your ideology is attacking your white nation retarded faggot

But you would fight for a country that is ruled by actual islamists and oligarchs?

My country already betrayed me faggot. Shove it.

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>I spit on you and this nation.
you are the problem


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and this

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Putin should conquer Kazakhstan a country where russians are oppressed by mongols and left Ukranians to live

We can see your flag you retarded nigger

an ocean


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Leave any time, niggers.

You hate the west but sure love the perks of living here.

Russians never tried to circumcise me