Unexploded bomb reported near Kharkov

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Stay away from it. Far away. Evacuate all people around.

Are you guy retarded? Look how big the hole is around that thing

go piss and shit on it cunt, i dare you

We wuz megaton n shieet

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Hey Ukraine bros, I notice you discovered ebay a few years ago. Please put russian military tech on ebay. Dont get blown up but I want to buy modern war souvenirs.

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why does it look like someone dug a hole and put that in there?
Think about the impossible physics of that hitting the ground and still being straight.

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lol what a crock of shit

looks fake
any /k/ fag to tell us what is this?

looks like america dropped the first batch of dilators
crack pipes are expected to follow soon thereafter
thank you Joe Biden

why is the side dented?

hit it with a hammer

Sorry sweety but I've seen Joe Dirt. That's a shit tank.

Looks like the projectile from a grad rocket artillery system.

Fuck Russian equipment is so pathetic. Most of their tank losses now seem to come from misfires.

Shocking. No BLM or LGBT+ flags painted on it. That hurts desu.

Pic rel

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> Think about the impossible physics
America bros is this your guy?

Get a blue sharpie and draw a star of david

compressive force when it hit the ground causing the now hollow casing where fuel was to warp.

Mud streets did something right for a change, lets not depreciate drunk ivan's fuck up at the missile factory, NOW EVERYONE DRINK!

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smerch bm30. grad much smaller.

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Trips will trigger the bomb.

If that was in Bakersfield, the local tweakers would've taken it for scrap metal.

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How old are these bombs?

boom time fun

checks out

do it