If the West is fucked, what advice does it have for Asia?

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Asia is also fucked, look at how you handled the plandemic, you went full on bug hive tyranny. Copied the west completely but added your own flavor of avian brutality and de-humanization.


Go home

let me in so i can breed and your numbers will swell keep your borders closed start making guns readily available

If your government starts filling up with incompetents and you cannot seem to get rid of them immediately launch a violent revolution to overthrow your government because if they are able to entrench themselves then your country is doomed. We missed our chance unfortunately and now all we can do is try to slow down the collapse.

>advice for Asia
Kill your kike masters, before they get you killed

here's some advice get rid of asians, those backstabbing yellow niggers.

Why would you want our advice if we have clearly failed?

Your leaders will sell you out to the highest bidder. They will fill your country with shitskin rapists if means increasing the GDP by .001%. And they will tell those shitskins your responsible for all their problems if it gets them 1 extra vote.
Just picture the cheapest, most depraved prostitute, and put it in an expensive suit. Thats your average politician.

Kick out the jews and other subverting elements.
There really isn't any more advice needed to be given.

Tenderly gas all jews and niggers if you have any in your copuntry.

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Don't invade Afghanistan

If Chinkistan burns Israel to the bedrock, I'll happily eat General Tso's Chicken every day for the rest of my life.

>what advice does it have for Asia

Kill every jew within your borders, eject ever nigger, and put women back in the kitchen.

Do not let Jews into your countries.
Do not do business with Jews.
Do not let Jewish media inside your countries.
Do not allow Jews to breed with your people -creating hybrids that look like you but are solely loyal to Jewry is how they take over countries.
Get nukes, or Jews will get their slaves to destroy you on their behalf.
Be nationalist, VERY nationalist. Nationalism must be the principle behind every facet of your lives. When doing business, be a nationalist. When leading the country, be a nationalist. When voting either at the ballots or from a rooftop, be a nationalist.
Women are prone to being whores and race/nation traitors, and receptive to anti-nationalist ideologies, but this can be fixed by raising them right. Keep out Western, feminist influence, but be fair to your women so they won't have grievances that will surface in destructive ways.

Asian lives wont matter until black lives matter

all jews and niggers are evil. never accept faggotry, always reject christianity, judaism, islam, and atheism.
embrace nationalism and foster honest friendships with nations around you.
kill all communists and their supporters immediately.
we ignored those truths, that's why we failed despite rising to become the most extremely advanced and powerful
empire in human history. we let those trojan horses i mentioned above destroy us. we thought we were stronger than we are.

Any advise for india and how to deal with affirmative actions in india driving out talented savarnas

>what advice does it have for Asia?
Do not compromise. Never. Not even once. Do not allow any cracks to form. Stand up for your principles. But Chinese/Japanese/SK governments have already failed to do this.

This is a genuinely good post. I would contend that you need to go out of your way to actively destroy kikes. They are a pox on the entire planet, and as long as a single one of them lives, the world will never be safe.

You realize Japan had no mask mandates not vaccine passports almost zero restrictions. At the worst point in the pandemic they made some restaurants in Tokyo close at 9pm. That’s it.

My advice, get the secret societies and jews.

Your leaders should deport all jews and niggers and keep them out of your countries.
You should be openly racist towards any foreigners so they stay the hell out.

Stay racially homogeneous
Become jew aware, always understand that jews only ever seek to advantage themselves
Root out all semitic religions from you lands, execute anyone found to be practicing any of them
Kick women out of the workforce
Kick women out of higher education
Ban all contraceptives
Ban divorce

Kill the jews, keep the niggers out.

eugenics. Just double down on eugenics. Not dumbass one-child policy shit. Just chemically sterilize every criminal and retard you can find. Its the only way.

>no mask mandates
people wear masks there all the time when they're sick because they can't just stay home - it's common courtesy that only works because it's a racially and culturally homogenized country

Eye rolling. An excuse for your lame life.

Mandates dont matter until black lives matter

Also this. Women will destroy your homogenous kike-free country if given any sort of political power or autonomy. Keep them pregnant and in the kitchen.


Well the main thing is you MUST hold corrupt leaders accountable not celebrate them or make excuses for their crimes and failures. Americans never really had this ability and type of intellectual honesty to do so.

Kill every nigger and sand nigger on sight.
Don't let them reproduce.
I repeat, don't let them reproduce.


Attached: meanwhile in Thailand.webm (478x456, 1.83M)

Never trust a jew.

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Don't let jews in. It's really that simple

Thailand aka Tranland was already fuck both leftist and royalist/cuckservative have no problem with the homo/troon problem at all
Too late bro the fucking jews are funding leftist sjw movement/(((ngo))) in Thailand.
Still rarely seen but fucking lestist zoomer are trying to push black skin shit and fatty=Beauty too

Hell, they're shitting out shitlets as soon as they land on the goddamn tarmac.
