Behold! The absolute economic and political brilliancy of Mr Putin! He's truly the saviour of Russia. Motherfucker probably still thinks he's just playing a Paradox game.
This is the greatest economic collapse of a large superpower country in the modern age. And it just keeps getting worse. Paid shills need to understand they'll stop being paid soon.

Attached: putin_economics.jpg (1869x852, 216.56K)

Not gonna hate Russia you fucking CIA nigger. White men will not die for ZOG.

a fucking memeflag

Russia is probably the most antifragile nation on earth, runs on a surplus, virtually self sufficient bar luxury goods, massive mineral reserves that China and Europe both rely on, huge gold reserves.
If these sanctions are gonna fuck anyone it's Europe

nigga they literally fought in cold weather while starving

>muh economy
>what is self-sufficiency


He can cut gas off to Europe and nothing can be done. US already said it wouldn't be able to fill the gap left.

kek, the Russian economy (the little they had) is done

oh no the CIA kike doesnt understand board culture yet. it's okay faggot, lurk more.

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>he thinks Poland is a fake country
Fucking election tourists lol

Why doesn't Russian circuit breakers kick-in ?

I remember the Dow falling over a 8% and they just stop trading/halted it for a few hours of the day? what gives?

Attached: 1643456456043.png (800x450, 416.65K)

>circuit breaker
Russia gave up central planning in the 90s

Mate, you should be worrying about our own economy, looming inflation, spiraling debt, no manufacturing or resources and a total reliance on global markets and imports

> political brilliancy of Mr Putin
You don't understand the logic of criminals. He does not care about prosperity of country like racketeer don't care about prosperity of buisness. He only cares about being the one who milking it.

Attached: sweet putin.jpg (788x1024, 72.62K)

>White men will not die for zog

First, spics arent white
Second- putin is bombing whites in Ukraine right now

You will not be paid soon enough shill, you won't even have money for that vpn, your бaбyшкa will have to eat dogs and squirrels

>Second- putin is bombing whites in Ukraine right now
Good. Kill the traitor before the enemy.

if things go right WW3 will be some real large scale shit and you’ll finally understand how meaningless your grasp and charts about paper with numbers on it truly is

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Some idiot harvard professor said russia isn't important to the global economy except oil and gas. Which is like saying oxygen isn't import to life except for breathing.

Suck our dicks harder faggot. You’ll be begging for big black men to come save you from whitey.


Will this really matter in a few weeks though? Seems like it would be a good time to buy the dip honestly. Might take years for it to recover, but either it recovers or the world is going into a decade long nuclear war.

Sanctions aren't even in yet.
Swift ban will literally kill russian banks.

dw the prices will even out when we experience hyperinflation too

So what you are saying is buy bitcoin?

The irony of Estonia trying to call people poor.

Buy a wood burning stove and boiler cause energy prices about to skyrocket