
She's right, you know

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god i hate white women

So what is the equivalent of Fentanyl in thos narrative?

Same amount

She can join the army and volunteer to be the first one on the battlefield. Something tells me she won't

maybe the ukrainian guy that shoved a glass jar up his ass and it broke inside of him, then became a internet sensation. Thats the metaphorical fent

implying hundreds of people dying in ukraine will get a tenth of the attention your holy nigger got

God I want to see Russian soldiers kneeling on her neck resulting in her death. It's time for you to die for your ideals. It's never to late to abort democrats.

40 million Ukrainians = 1 (one) George Floyd


Amerikaner sind eine absolut ehrenlose und negrifizierte Gesellschaft, die Plage kann sie garnicht schnell genug einholen.

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I fucking LOVE the internet.

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she is saying Ukraine is a criminal? So what Putin is doing is actually good.

Jewish presidents.

I can't Kyiv

>hohols are niggers
She (?)'s isn't wrong tho.

It only took 8 minutes and 54 seconds for Ukraine to die


Brandon regime and demonrat's corruption in Ukraine is the fentanyl in it's veins that killed it's independence. Good metaphor, well done leftard.

So she is saying Ukraine made it happend, and you can only blame them self ?

I am crying laughing fuck's sake this is some of the most ridiculous shit I have seen on this website.

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you know, if the russians used fentanyl gas on ukraine like during the moscow theatre siege, this would actually be correct


Ukraine = George Floyd
Counterfeit $20 = Stealing Russian gas
Russia = Derek Chauvin
China = Chauvin's asian wife who left him at the first sign of danger

Another mentally ill wokey, fuck woke-ism.