Terriatories under Russian cantrol as of 10 am today

Terriatories under Russian cantrol as of 10 am today

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Godspeed Russia. Please conquer us too

Faggot keep spreading missinformation
I live in one of them there's no russian soldiers

go to sleep, larping faggot

Nuclear weapons are confidence booster.

>I live in one of them there's no russian soldiers
You just haven't seen them yet. Where are you from? They are not in cities yet (except Kharkov)

Absolute larp. Fuck of shill

FUD, Big sage for you

a pretty huge pincer, it's a blitzkrieg

has it even been 24 hours yet?

>Terriatories under Russian cantrol as of 10 am today
Sumy region, small city around 100 kms from the border
It isn't under russian control

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europeans fear the crab

Ngl I'm really enjoying this happening. This has been the best thing to happen to Pol in a long time.

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They control all the airports, seaports, major highways, and bases in those regions. But yeah, theyre not in control because theyre not walking around your neighborhood.

Kiev, bros, burn the "holodomor" museum first then do whatever you want.

It is 10:30pm here so what does that mean?

Also this.
Save my little shithole "country" Bosnia as well.

Post an English map you fucking savage

As a Serb us to

Why would they take control of all those areas if they just wanted to separate one part? Hmm

If they're not in cities it's not much of a control now is it.

Yea outplayed, that was just outplayed, and well played by the russians lol. Congrats on your win Russia btw. Thanks for being sane, orthodox, and having the balls to actually do something, I hate my own country, we're evil and deserve to be judged by God.

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How the hell did you get that province north of moldava ... oh wait nevermind you already had troops stationed in Transnistria

Where did this map come from?

No one's larping lol this is actually happening, It's over , dang Liberal Satanic Lunatics.

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can you shoot some people please? missiles and mortars are boring

I honestly don't trust either sides. This seems to be a massive psyop smoke screen (hopefully not).

Russians got butthurt when the Taliban seized Afghanistan in a week, so they want to take the speedrunning title back.

Because this isn't a war. It was a quick strike, and you got successfully quick strike'd. The only thing that can happen now is guerilla warfare.

are you people actually dumb? do you know what control means? they're seizing infrastructure points, not your fucking apartment, user
they don't give a fuck about you, which is why you should keep your head down, remain compliant, and get out of this safe and sound

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rampaging around the vast countryside is arguable much more dangerous, it means ukranians are confined to the urban centers which can be attacked from any direction

Is putin gonna go for whole of Ukraine or only eastern part / coastline?

Nothing worse on this planet than Russians.

Ukraine-bro, it doesn’t matter what false info is spread here. If you’re gonna police every info, you’ll tire yourself more.
Just chill and shitpost.


what the fuck happened? how did they move in so fast?

And literally nothing anyone can do about it kek

Russian propaganda. Russians don't control anything yet. They will likely imminently take Kharkiv and Mariupol. But this map is pure fantasy.

This is fake



Can we get a version that isn't written in scribbles?

>War is about controlling cities.
Cities aren't the only aspect. You can lay siege to a city while running around it. With supplies limited it will soon collapse, or if drawn out long enough become a destitute hell hole for its citizens, ala Sarajevo.

Hello there fellow diaspora, maybe well can all be friends and sing songs together when the russians rule us both?

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Enjoy eating rice and beans for the next 20 years you crazy faggots

>turn on CNN those are good news, and BBC too

yes, since the 1990s

shut up u jew, accept the russian big dick and masturbate when ur wife is moaning from the rape

Have you checked the trees for Mirage tanks though?

Cope, retard

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Faggot even Sumy that's 50 kms from the border is not taken yet

>literally sudetenland shaped

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literally 1/4 of your country is ethnically russian dumbfuck, you are going to have more russians there at the end of this invasion than ukraine will
estonians are always posting the stupidest shit imaginable

Why do Russians write like dyslex retards with backwards N's and randomly inserting '3' and shit.

>I live in one of them there's no russian soldiers
Now who do I believe more, a convincing map or a hohol?

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user, this map is fake

for now

Don't waste an opportunity, now is the time to resettle to Germany, free housing and money awaits !

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shut up you cringy fuck anime is for trannies


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The classic pincer movement. Looks like plan is to surround Kiev and then Ukraine falls.

I hope you enjoy the last day or two that you can see your flag here :)

Your country, if we're still calling it that, is currently under occupation by a superior power. It is over. You are Russian again.

weird coincidence, but thats same territories that was patrolled by US drones and spy planes.

Did US military worked for Putin all this time, and US drones was givin intel to him?

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are all russians just actually just hobbits
why don't they make hobbit sized doors and hobbit sized desks

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probably that's because they are bordering russia you dumb fuck

Theyre advancing through the north from Belarus, straight towards Kiev.

I think he'll take the whole country. Any remnants would just cozy up to the west and fight a resistance. Best option is full annexation of Ukraine.

>Did US military worked for Putin all this time, and US drones was givin intel to him?
Could be. That's what you get for trusting Americans.

they didn't, they're astroturfing the internet with fake stories and videos to demoralize ukranians who're glued to their phones

they're only barely inside of the country at this hour

Why isn't Romania joining in on the fun

Unless there's a strategic military base there, there is no point to taking the city.

Russia wants a Ukrainian Belarus, a puppet state. They'll reinstall the previous Ukrainian president and pretend everything is normal.

>Blocks Moldova access to sea.

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ngl I wonder if Ukraine's defeat was secretly negotiated in advance. This feels too much like the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan

No other nations have the balls to land grab from Ukraine right now. They'd face condemnation, sanctions, and Russian aggression.