Which side are you on?

Which side are you on?

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This is false because Isreal is missing on one side.

>Siding with amerimutts and Jew
Lol no

Russia literally gave 48 hours headups to ukraine about their strikes lol.. they are more courteous than Israel bombing babies in gaza

> tfw when all the nations in the game form a military alliance against you



>globohomo or commie/sandniggers
I want the ayys to invade

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None, fuck every country on Earth

Not to be a deboonker, but do you have a source?

Smart post

Jews always win, Since Napoleon.

Russia. May Allah annihilate america and israel.

fpbp. answer is russia

The opposite side of Israel.

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>Ukraine supported by

lmao, I'll believe it when I see it. Western countries in general and Germany in particular have done absolutely zero to help Ukraine except blow hot air and posture

Hopefully neither so we can profit a bit without worrying.

Damn I didn’t know Sholz was based

This. So Russia.

the Blood God

>da jooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooozzzzzzzz
Jew here
You know what, i'm just sick and tired of it all. I'm done pretending. You goys did it. You've figured it all out. Everything is fake. 9/11, Gulf of Tonkin, the Moon Landing, the nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Holocaust, Sandy Hook, JFK's assasination, Covid, Biden's election victory, it's all fake and staged so us Jews can control everything and everyone. You name it, we did it.

The only thing that was ever real was Hitler's rise to power. Yes, somehow, after a thousand years of full control of every country, every major political movement, and every war, we somehow slipped up, overplayed our hand, and allowed some random goy whose life goal was to kill all of us to gain power by getting 96 percent of the electorate in germany to vote for his party and start a global conflict which ended up in 60 million of the same people he claimed he was fighting to save from communism to be killed.

Luckily for us, while he was tasking regiments to go massacre untold numbers of villagers across eastern europe for not liking him, he kept us in protected neighborhoods and promised us our own country when his war was finished. I guess he was just playing an extremely long con and was saving us for last? We must have really got extremely lucky! Shame about the 60 million white nationalist goys.

Now if you'll excuse me, i have to leave the computer for a second. The phones at the office are ringing off the hooks, my colleagues out in Broward County and Tel-Aviv are all shidding and farding trying to figure out what we have to do to stop this bombshell from dropping on the dumb normie masses and prevent anudda shoah!

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Why are Crimean tatars listed as a country? it's a fucking ethnic group

Literally just listen to Putin speeches.
He generally says what he is about to do.

>currency crashes
>done nothing

y tho