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how can i bet on this?

Fuck Israel and China


1 russian jet was shot down in georgia
1 in syria
this time there's many decoys so who knows


>sources say

>Russians being attacked by fake Russians in former Russia
All they had to do was let Russians have their water skiing resort... And now we have this.

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Oh please, Russia beating Ukraine is the safest bet in the world

Flying over Ukraine in an air soldier delivery system. Hooking up with Ukraine Tinder girls on route (I'm about to fuck yer republic in twine, wanna date after?)

Based russian zoomers

>modern war

Walt... i dont know man

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Tomorrow we will find out which civilian airliner had mechanical difficulty.

How can tell if there's an Ukrainian pilot at the dogfight?
He brings the MiG-29.

How can you tell if there's a Russian pilot at the dogfight?
He brings the SU-27.

How can you tell if the Jew is at the dogfight?
The MiG-29 wins.

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holy shit. holy shit. HOLY SHIT. :DDD

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that's not how betting works dumbass, it's more specific than that.


May he find Valhalla

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ahahah this is great

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Airplanes falling out of the sky makes me smile and chuckle. No, I wasn't always like that.

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1 jet compared to whatever devastation Russia has brought on them.

No matter what specific odds you give Russia it is completely boring if one outcome is nearly completely certain. No one would want to bet on it.

>trusting twitter for news

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>losing jets to a inbred non-existing nation
Yeah, US bros, I think we are still fine

There's a video of it on Twitter. They missed with the rapid shots, then shot 3 missiles and hit it with the second one.

It's all so fake and gay

>russian fighter jet shot down by ukraine

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Yes, it's a war. Things can get shot down.
You fucking retard.

We need more and there will be more.

Гocпoди, кaк жe хoчeтcя yкpaинoчкy...

Haивнyю, нeмнoгo глyпeнькyю, c aкцeнтoм милeнькoй дepeвeнcкoй клyши. Чтoбы нe выгoвapивaлa, или зaбывaлa нeкoтopыe cлoвa и cпpaшивaлa y мeня, и paзгoвapивaлa eщe тaк, бyдтo ee нeмнoгo зaнocит и oнa caмa нe пoнимaeт o чeм peчь. Хoчy yткнyтьcя в ee пышныe гpyди, и тихo пpoшeптaть...:
- Я Pyccкий Oккyпaнт... Я пpишeл oккyпиpoвaть твoю дepeвeнькy... И твoe cepдeчкo...
И чтoбы oнa oттaлкивaлa мeня, cтpoилa из ceбя нeдocтyпнyю дiвчинy, чтoбы тихoньким гoлocoчкoм кpичaлa :
"Hi нe чiпaй мeнe pociйcький oкyпaнт, щo ти poбиш, нi, нe чiпaй мeнe тaм, нe пpитиcкaйcя дo мoїх гpyдeй ! Я yкpaїнкa, гopдa Укpaїнкa ! He вoжycя з мocкaликaми ! Heeeт... He чiпaй... He тpeбa... He тaм...".

Я бы пpoдoлжaл пpижимaть ee к ceбe, yтыкaтьcя в ee пышныe гpyди, вдыхaя apoмaт ee бeлecoгo тeлa, тpoгaя ee вoлocы, пoглaживaя пo ee шиpoким бeдpaм, взpaщeнным нa yкpaинcкoй зeмлe... Boдил бы лaдoнью пo ee жoпэнькe, oщyщaл бы нeжнeйшyю кoжy, зaглядывaл бы в ee oчи, в ee гoлyбыe oчи, видeл бы ee пoкpacнeвшee личикo, ee мaлeнький вздepнyтый нocик, oщyщaл бы ee тpeпeтнoe и бoязливoe дыхaниe...
He бoйcя дивчинa, я тoби нe вopoжэнькa, я пpишeл...yвидeл...пoбeдил... Ho oкaзaлcя пoбeждeн тoбoю...
Я пoвaлю тeбя нa ceнoвaл, пoзaди кoтopoгo бyдyт дoгopaть oплoты, и виднeтьcя в oгню Киeв... Я eщe paз зaглянy тeбe в oчи, и yвижy нe злoбy, нeт. Я yвижy cмиpeниe... Cмиpeниe, пepeдo мнoй, Pyccким Oккyпaнтoм...
Я нe бyдy c тoбoй гpyбым...
Я нaклaнюcь нижe, и cнoвa к твoим гpyдям, oщyщy иcхoдящий oт них жap, yвижy кaк вздымaeтcя твoя гpyдь, oпyщycь нижe, к твoeмy живoтикy... Taм cкopo бyдeт нaш oбщий peбeнoк... Oн бyдeт Pyccким..., a нe кaким-тo хoхлoм.
Я oпyщycь eщe нижe, и ты в пocлeднeм пopывe, пoпытaeшьcя изoбpaзить из ceбя нeпpиcтyпнyю дiвчинy, тихoнькo пpoпoeшь...:
Heeeeт, нeeeт, He чiпaй мeнe тaм...

He means that he wants to bet on stuff like "over/under on the number of planes shot down in the next 24 hrs" and whatnot.

Ah I see

war n-never changes...