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Would glownigger anonfags defend drone strikes on innocent civilians?

kek I love their tears. They live in a fantasy world.

War is murder.
Putin is a murderer but we already knew that, KGB Communist never goes away.
Down with Putin, the faggot king.

We are anonmouse
We are many
Forgive and forget
Expecto patronum

ok glowniggers

Literally CIA glowniggers lmao

Imagine being such a dipshit you think ananymoose existed beyond clambake
Just a bunch of larping faggot skids

Leftoids becoming the bloodthirsty warmongers has been quite the character arc.

I'm Anonymous. Ama

lmao what a glowniggers


The idea that killing people is always wrong is absolutely childish

stfu russian whore

When did "anonymous" become constant defenders of the globohomo MIC power structure?

no i won't be dragged into your faggy wars, yes i will continue shitposting here, and yes you are all forever faggots.

>War is murder
>let's support a new war

Awww poor wittle glowies are big mad
Get fucked you imposter faggots

Glowniggers speak

forgot how pozzed those larpers are

Fuck off, Anonymous.

When they arrested the neckbeards and flipped them

The antiwar liberals are still antiwar. Anyone else that's a tourist is inhabited/possessed by the same consciousness that possessed "the right" during the Bush era.

Apooonymous bitch has spoken. Or it was CIA. Doesn't matter. Russia is going for your suckers.

>war is murder
Based non-interventionist peacenik. We must send NO SUPPORT

Eh based anarchists. But all governments should end.

Whats mic? But yeah I remember when anons used to fuck with american news agencies and corporations, now nothing like that happens and its all sterile shit about gays

Made me laugh

go get in your box zogbot

Military industrial complex

that fact that every faggot group on the internet is telling me putin is bad means that putin is the good guy (relatively)

i'm on team


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What are they going to do, leak the names of everyone who donated to Russia's GoFundMe?

I hope Putin doxes every last anonfag

Literally who?

Dear Any Forums,
It's us, Anonymous, once again. Except this time it's the leader speaking.
We are finished with your child pornography, gore, and cruel jokes that spread like a snakes bite and ruin the internet. Where have all of the internet's problems come from? Reddit? 9gag? No, no.
Tonight at 14:00PM Pacific Time Any Forums will officially come to an end.
"kek u cant do sh*t"
Not only do I have my hacking skills and team aside me, but I also have 9gag, the founding website of Anonymous, aside us.
You're probably all thinking
There is one thing you CAN do. Surrender. I want Hiro here,with the ID and everything, saying sorry, and banning all of things disgusting things from your website.
As of now, you have 2 hours left.
The clock is ticking, gentlemen.

We are legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.

- The Leader

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are you scared, mario? i have no intention to hurt you

Anarchist have always been tools of the powerful

I hate how those faggots stole the name from anons

there is no war just peace keeping operations

Why didn't they get upset when Ukraine was bombing the shit out of poor dogs and innocent people in the Donetsk area? Why get upset now that Russia is going to defend its people in that area?

Fuck these glowniggers. They were silent under the Obama drone strikes.

Putin isn't a good guy but neither are the rest of us. No one wins here.

>the faggot king.
He is also a king of Any Forums

These cia faggots have been blabbing for two weeks.

We are anomalous. We are a region.


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Is anyone stupid enough to think these people aren't just agency puppets? They've got nothing to do with this place or the spirit of it. They are skinwalkers.

>5 of the 7 people are currently in jail
>2 of them cut a deal and can't even access twitter until 2025
>handle appeared after this went down
it's all so tiresome

Putin is based

I've taken a consistent"not my problem, no foreign entanglements" stance for as long as I can remember. Watching everybody else flop around due to whatever the talmudvision is saying is irritating. Any time I talk to someone about any of this shit I'm suspicious about how much they actually know or care about the situation and did they form their own opinions or were they imprinted upon them.

He's wrong.
War is kino.

cringe larp niggers

we are amongymous we do nod forged we do not forgib expegd us :DDDDD

I agree. War is murder. That's why the west shouldn't get involved.

>Each and every
@YourAnonNews confirmed for shitskin or shitskin sympathizer.

the CIA took over this incredibly fake and gay organization long, long ago.. only the most retarded still pay any attn

This, fuck all putrid fucking faggots and trannies.

Anonymous = Q user = CIA

we are benis
we do not benis
expecd benis :D:D:D:D:D:D

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Anomalous strikes again. Get rekt chuds.

We ams a wear disguises so you are not know name.
We am stay big mad. We am remember stuff sometimes.
Eggs benedict.

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>limp dick impotent rage
lel guess the larping guyfuckers know a DDoS attack on a website isn't even going to have the appearance of doing something this time around.

Reminder that the last vestige of hacking groups tied to Anonymous died when LulzSec disbanded.

anonymooose tongue my anus


>war is murder.
>which is why we need to go to war,
>to murder.

Wasn't this guy outed as a poofy haired fun boy? Ooooooo spoooky, the lesbian looking basedboy said a word o no.

>war is murder

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About ten years ago?

>we don't have time
Why, is his mom telling him he can't stay up late on a weekday?

All the hackers left so now their best is being mean on the internet



I think he is a pre-op tranny at the moment. No surprise.

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pretty sure that guy who runs it got doxed and is just a faggot who has no involvement with anonymous. old archives show his face