Why did "liberals" spend decades saying the United States shouldn't be the "police of the world" if this is how they...

Why did "liberals" spend decades saying the United States shouldn't be the "police of the world" if this is how they feel?

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Dude are you deluded? Vast majority of the support for the US getting involved in this stupid fight is coming from the right. Turn on Fox News, they are openly agitating for World War 3 and trying to call Biden a coward for not starting it, in effect. It is maddeningly infuriating. Stop being so asinine cuz some blue check idiot on twitter said something dumb

when did they say that

Liberals are full of shit and pathological revisionists.

We've been saying that since at least after World War 2

Both middle eastern wars

but the US is the biggest bully in the playground
is he telling people to join forces and fuck over the US or something

because they are both arrogant and stupid, user.
they don't think with their own brains. they just take input from elsewhere and repeat it. because it's safe and trustworthy that way or something like that. some dystopic idiocy like that.

Obviously, what you just said isn't true, but even if it were, these people would still be hypocrites.

Thank you for your insightful opinion kiddie diddler

can you prove that

Huh? What's not true?

>Vast majority of the support for the US getting involved in this stupid fight is coming from the right.

No go fuck yourself idiot. Nothing more disgusting than Any Forumsacks always asking for "proof" of basic objectively true facts

Lol moran

can you prove you are not a nigger?

It is. Turn on the news. Fox News is the hub of whatever group of people are trying to openly agitate for WW3 it's insane. They're like indignant that Biden isn't starting WW3 just like they were indignant that he pulled out of Afghanistan

Someone doxx and shut this foolish nigger lib up pls

This is the wrong place to look for logical consistency.

says the guy who dodged the draft. he has no right to say anything.

well if you can't prove it then it must not be objectively true

I fucking hate them all. Fuck Russia and fuck Ukraine. We don’t need to go fight a war for israel

The golem trash that calls themselves liberals nowadays are in fact not real, old school liberals at all. They're violent, mentally ill commies.

>Turn on Fox News, they are openly agitating for World War 3 and trying to call Biden a coward for not starting it, in effect.
I've had Fox on all evening. No, they aren't doing that. Stop lying.

Real, old school, classical liberals are generally peaceniks and no, they are not happy right now. And most of the former neocons on the right have either renounced their earlier positions (Hannity for example) or they've gone full on never-Trump and are still warmongers. Most of those scum are on Twatter though, not the boob tube.

They're just trying to make Biden look bad. He's the villain if he intervenes and he's the villain if he doesn't intervene. He's perfectly trapped by the right.

They made a movie about it. Team America: world police

Do you think you're being cute right now? Or smart? Or do you think you're "owning the lib" by gaslighting the right-wing support for every fucking war of the 2nd half of the 20th century and now the 21st century? Cuz you just sound like a fucking piece of shit sociopath gaslighting. Whenever sociopaths gaslight they think they're making themselves look better but are just making themselves look awful

For the 6 millionth time. Any Forums is not one person.

Go back to /leftypol/, woman't.
I'm too lazy to find a good radio station so I just have Nigger Pandering Radio on all the time to listen to their bullshit and laugh at how faggy it is. They've been begging for Russia to invade for the past month.


Fuck them. They slandered our military leaderships during iraq. I say send the liber diversity hires to war and spare the whites.

Tucker carlson was literally felating putins cock. The far right wants to just sit and watch putin destroy zogbots and burn tranny flags. No one except some dumb old boomers want any war with russia.

how can someone lie like this?

All political factions just want the power of God. Even lolbertarians would remake the world they way they want it if given the power.

>They're like indignant that Biden isn't starting WW3 just like they were indignant that he pulled out of Afghanistan

they were indignant that they let the taliban retake the country and left americans behind along with our weapons you worthless fucking retarded shitstain

>I've had Fox on all evening. No, they aren't doing that. Stop lying.
Fuck you, lying gaslighting piece of dogshit.
Bullshit. Yes they wanna make Biden look bad but they also agitated for every other war. "WMDs in Iraq" they doubled down on that until the very end of the Bush admin and the only time they ever praised Obama was when we started new wars

So now he supports the Iraq Wars?

Best definition of Liberal that I’ve ever read. Thank you user.

Shut the fuck up. They have been agitating to pull out of Afghanistan for years now and were only pissed because Biden made a huge hash of it, got US soldiers killed, and left a bunch of US citizens and allied natives there to get killed.

Well get this man to the front lines then, he sounds willing and ready. Oh he wont? Then fuck off you god damn coke head.

Fox News lost all credibility the instant they became literally the first news outlet to call the election for Biden.

Fox News literally doesn't want another Vietnam/Iraq/Afghanistan lost war. YOU fly to Europe and defend Ukraine you stupid fuck.

>Nigger Pandering Radio
topkek, very nice

LMAO OK so like I said indignant that Biden ended the war, you fucking subhuman

resorting to ad hominem doesn't help your case

>gaslighting by gaslighting the gaslighting

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It would have been a complete mess under Trump, Biden delayed it months so it was slightly less fucked. Trump made a deal with the Taliban, a terrorist group responsible for killing Americans, which is just ridiculous

You're an idiot, they didn't want to pull out of Iraq or Afghanistan hahaha. You got played so hard. That's why they threw a year long shitfit when Biden finally did it

Post ww2

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>Hurr durr I'm not the bad guy you are!

Go sign up for the military then if you are so worried about protecting your country.

So are you just admitting that you support American imperialism now? Finally out of the closet?

Yes it does, actually. Because you are a sociopath gaslighting lying piece of dogshit subhuman trash. And it is good of me to call you out on that.

>...the right thing to do
Butt punching the little kid while the big kid butt punches you is the left thing to do.

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Yes, that's exactly what the programming told you to think. Have you managed to form your own thoughts on the subject?

leftists are retarded Christ is King

Go back to plebbit, scumtard. Don't they miss you in artard/politics yet?

stephen kike is right, you shouldnt stand by and let israeli jews beat up palestinian kids

Jesus Christ was indisputably a communist, moron.

What playground did this fucktard grow up on?

When I was a kid, the kids would watch with glee as you got a beat down from the bully.

Schizo post. Trump saved lives and brought trust back into America's international relationships by making deals. Biden killed let Americans and Afgans die just so he could get is approval rating up. Quit being retarded.

The military was begging Trump to give them more time to prepare the exit, to do it properly. Biden gave it to them.

It's also a national disgrace to make deals with terrorists. Historically, America does not do that, other than under Reagan, which was also disgraceful.

Because they're liars. The old game used to be dems would feign non-intervention while warhawk neocons like the Bushes and McCain would be always want bomb and invade everything in sight. This is why you see the "but u guyz support war" stupidity but the truth was both sides of the aisle are zogged. Dems have simply embraced the warhawking while Neo-cons are slowly getting picked off by populists.

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Did you ever even actually read the bible? Everything Jesus says is communist + other shit in the New Testament like Corinthians literally calling for wealth redistribution from the wealthy to the poor, moron.

well you can continue if you want but it's not doing you any favors

It's in their nature. They are incapable of honesty because they don't understand it.

But if that big kid is a mob of niggers and the little kid is a white person, King will call you a white supremacist for intervening. Christ, I despise these fucking evil psychopaths.

Because they are easily lead and don't understand realpolitik.

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Middle east

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Jesus doesn't believe in forcing people to share with violence. Free will is God's way. Communism isn't free will.

Trump was the one who decided to end the war. Your life doesn't have value.

U mad?

thanks for that