Havana syndrome for all Americans?
What is the threat Putin is hinting at??

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We are in the midst of the Longest... Saddest....Most Excruciating “I TOLD YOU SO” in the history of the world.
Fuck joe biden, fuck putin, fuck every biden voter.

He’s going to cut off the oil.

Lucky that biden gave him that list of things not to attack

Thank god

he will rape your mum

WWIII tomorrow?

Attached: cold war beast.jpg (1280x1762, 945.42K)

He gonna say the N-word on global television

((( )))
>rape baby
ACTUALLY, unlike (((protestants))), Hispanics made rape ILLEGAL!

If you research about the baptism certificates, you will find out that Native Americans married European Hispanics, instead of the JUDEO-PROTESTANT (((rapes))) and (((genocides))). If you were to combine all rapes during the first 300 years, it is evident that it never reached 20,000... which is an important number because BLACKS rape MORE THAN 20,000 WHITE WOMEN each year in the USA.

If anyone is a rape baby, it's white americans... we're nigger rape babies.

the consequences will never be the same

I would not be surprised if this warning wasn't for Poland and not the US.


He doesn't fear Poland he could take it as fast as Ukraine

When does the doomsday clock update? Is it a once a year thing?

The consequences are having every jew moved to the countries that side with Ukraine. Ow wait...

I will give you a minute to think about why that would be a stupid move

Its a bluff.

pls nuke jew york and hollywood mr putin

They can’t possibly be worse than having our country overrun by trannies and niggers while jews use the media to incite violence against us

that's a man

>yes, I would love for you to bite my testicles off to prevent the other cunts from cutting off my dick

I gave Trump money I didn't have. My folks looked at me in disbelief. I said, "You have no idea how bad things can be."

Status 6 is operational as of Q4 2021.

Jokes on me. I had no idea how bad things could be.

he probably means this

that would take out fleets, ports, coastal cities like this

and how would you intercept it? you can't


Exactly what the fuck can russia do besides nukes? Nothing. What an empty threat.

Bad example, think about it for a moment.

That is his threat.

rollin for dead ruskies

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No its not. Because it means he would get nuked in return. He isn't going to fucking get himself killed over Ukraine or wherever.

cuck or troon, your choice

K, we would just glass all of Russia and collapse civilization then for the both of us. Hope that little bit of Ukraine was worth it, ruskies

power grid

That only works once and is temporary. Not really that big of a threat.


cut power and internet. 75% dead within 2 weeks

It's amazing how many braindead people think that Putin would nuke anybody over Ukraine. Can you imagine just casually throwing away the only thing that gives you any power? Your country is obliterated and now you're just some old man without a nation.

Not if its a cyber attack

You can shut off computers and disconnect from the internet dude. Its not permanent. Oh man they turned off the power for a day! the horror!

why this nigga have such small eyes?

Motherfucking based. On to Berlin, Paris and then London! I'll enlist when they reach Bucharest!

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He’s going to bomb Chernobyl and start a nuclear winter followed by zombie invasion

Disease warfare

that would tank all markets and trigger a global economic depression without anything being physically damaged

this, burgers should have been prepping for the apocalypse instead of worrying about lgbt and blm

This dude sounds like a bloody COD villain