Is it really a "war" when Russia is just walking up and taking Ukraine without any resistance while the rest of the...

Is it really a "war" when Russia is just walking up and taking Ukraine without any resistance while the rest of the world just watches impotently in the corner like a bunch of cuckolds?

Honestly this is the best outcome, no bloodshed just liberals crying that an all white nation can still get shit done in current year.

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Russia.svg.png (1200x800, 1.35K)

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Blah blah blah America turns out to be a big fucking pussy with no balls lol

It's mainly for entertainment. Just like the trucker rally. Everything will be fine in 2 weeks

>invading ukraine before your economy even recovers to pre-2014 levels
it's a bold strategy, cotton

From what it seems like, Russia will just roll in, Ukrainians will just shrug and replace every Ukrainian flag with a Russian one, and nothing else would change.

15 days to flatten the curve ....retard

Wrong user was meant for the guy below you sorry fren .

what makes you think there isn't any bloodshed?

Ukraine is already a failed state, they have lower GDP than Albania. I think the west was already giving up on it recently and that's why they didn't even try to admit them to NATO, in other words they thought it was inevitable

last time I checked, "sanctions" can't hold weapons or shoot back at you

can you rape the willing?

Ukraine should be split between Russia, Poland, Hungary and Romania.

I suspect this will end with a western/eastern split like with Germany post-WW2 or Vichy-style satellite governments

Years of barking
Months of preparation
Hours of rape

Its 21st century war.

It's not that. The US has no means to fight a ground war in Europe. Trump bemoaned NATO countries not reaching their defense spending, but Trump is retarded and didn't realize that NATO is designed to keep Europe weak. There are no standing NATO armies. The US has nukes in Germany and Turkey but those rely on outdated comms systems and Russia has become very good at knocking out comms and they have strong anti-aircraft capabilities. Basically Putin called NATO's bluff and he's going full electric boogaloo. The only US recourse is to nuke Moscow at this point, but that would make the US very unpopular in Europe.

Russia halted the Nordstream 2 but how long can Germany go without Russian gas? The US and OPEC can't meet European demands. It will be interesting to see where Germany lands when all is said and done.

It's funny how things with Trump turned out, because his tearing down of NATO is probably just going to accelerate France trying to break out of US control and could even speed up the time table of Germany being forced to do something

NS2 was supposed to replace pipelines in Ukraine so the ironic part is that Germany either has to settle into working with Russia (America does NOT want this), pay more for US gas, or be forced to look to the Middle East

The US is still buying Russian gas despite sanctions. I think the US doesn't really give a shit about Russian designs on Ukraine but Biden needs to appear strong for midterms. The Democrats are now the party of the shrill, effeminate, educated, urban Russiagaters who want Putin dead. He lives rent free in their heads just like Trump. They are seriously deranged. Biden might just make a show of power to appease them so he doesn't come off looking like another Carter. In all Biden is probably more rational than most of the foreign policy faggots and elite Democrats and Republicans. He at least seems realistic about the consequences of a hot war with Russia.

We're probably witnessing the end of the trans Atlantic liberal world order. France has always hated NATO and only begrudging joined in 2009. Germans are arrogant and self interested. Both France and Germany want to simultaneously wean themselves off US but also like the US keeping Russian influence contained. I'm at a loss as to how this is going to end.

>all white
Uhh user…

This is more about Germany than Ukraine. Ukraine is just a buffer zone to both NATO and Russia. Neither party cares about the sovereignty of dying country.

I think all war mongering circumcised retards like you need to be killed. Ukraine is of not strategic national interest to me, my family, my friends, or 99% of Americans. IDGAF about Ukraine. The jews should never have meddled in their affairs leading up to this situation.

Furthermore these are white people. I don’t want to see a war against white people. We have enough problems in our own borders with non-whites literally turning cities into war zones. Nobody seems to be doing anything about that instead they focus on Ukraine on the other side of the planet because and only because they tried to make them a buffer

Kosovo is Serbia
Ukraine is Russia

So, yet another real European war in 10 years and, again, we have to go and save them?

This is getting tiresome.



Attached: 54C1D652-4C91-4D30-89BE-221D0470B6E1.jpg (512x599, 21.65K)

Not my problem :)

Biden is literally impotent and doing nothing about it. Gonna be a rough day for Biden Bros tomorrow. I predict they will all suddenly not want to talk about politics again.

I mean it just depends if the Anglo elites have it in them to stomach not being the dominant western power. They didn't even want France to create the EU at first because while Germany is effectively neutered for now, they can't control France to that extent. Germany can't really do anything because they can't make nukes and we have a gazillion bases there, they're basically occupied still.

But France on the other hand, even a liberal like Macron went from basic neolib to trying to out-nationalist all the right wingers, half the stuff that comes out of his mouth now is
>we need to get away from America
>we need to make a continental European sphere of influence before America declines too much etc
Basically this specific event gives Macron and Pan-EU nationalists more ammunition to push for Europe breaking up with America because they can just imply that only Europe can defend itself etc.

We only get involved if Poland or the Baltic states get involved

>We're probably witnessing the end of the trans Atlantic liberal world order. France has always hated NATO and only begrudging joined in 2009. Germans are arrogant and self interested. Both France and Germany want to simultaneously wean themselves off US but also like the US keeping Russian influence contained. I'm at a loss as to how this is going to end.

The world has been Pacific centered for a while now. The only 3 countries that truly matter in this world are part of that north Pacific rim area.

I find it funny because few days back Ukraine anons were claiming that they will chop Russian heads off when they come.

>muh sanctions

>slavs are white now that americans are afraid of having to go to war

Ukrainians will bend before the Russian BVLL

The US could have pumped oil down to $10 a barrel and won this contest without firing a shot.

their english isn't very good they meant they would SUCK russian heads off

Pretty sure the only Ukrainians that actually have any training comparable to NATO/Russia are those "Nazi" larpers who are hilariously enough ethnically Russian themselves

I have no clue. European geopolitics is chaotic because certain countries now have so much internal strife with their MENA populations. France would probably fall into civil war before it ever fought a huge ground-war with Russia. The French military also recently had huge losses in Mali fighting jihadists. Maybe a replay of the 1968 riots? Either way I don't see France seriously engaging Russia any time soon. Germany barely has a military(purposely). This situation is untenable in the long run. Europe needs Russian oil.

If the west does nothing you better believe that China will smell the blood and go straight for Taiwan knowing we won't do shit

>Is it really a "war" when the US is just walking up and taking Iraq without any resistance while the rest of the world just watches impotently in the corner like a bunch of cuckolds?

Idk, you tell us professor

The difference is that Taiwan will actually fight to the fucking death. Taiwan is also far more strategic to US interests. But yeah this does NOT look good 6 months after the afghan debacle for America

It's a fucking walk in the park

War will be when they eradicate these American DOGS from the surface of the Earth

No, it's just Crimea 2.0. Russia has been importing ethnic Russians to Luhansk and Donbas for 80 years in anticipation of this.
Everyone who needs to know this, knew it.
All these moves were telegraphed and accepted by the geopolitical powers. Anyone who thought this would be WW3 is retarded.

Are you retarded? The actual ground warfare is just now starting. You always preemptively strike key assets like airfields, anti-air, depots, etc. before you begin the ground game. There's gonna be a lot of dead Ukranians soon.

Using nukes would be retarded when literally all they had to do to prevent Putin's invasion was assure Russia that they won't admit Ukraine to NATO, which would bring American firepower to Russia's doorstep.

Honestly I see decline everywhere. China's tiger is still running but it's getting slower. India will never be a serious world power other than sending brahmins to go be the new jews in White counties. Their majority populations are just too low-iq. They have nukes though.

What an uninformed take. Taiwan, unlike Luhansk and Donbas, isn't mainly full of people who want to join China. And unlike Luhansk and Donbas, which are irrelevant shitholes (except to RUS,) Taiwan is the center of the global microprocessor industry and many other industries. Also, even Russia won't support China in a Taiwan invasion. The second China tries shit with Taiwan, they will be a global pariah and the CCP will be annihilated.

The US cares a lot more about Taiwan than it does about Ukraine. If you control Taiwan, you control the South China sea. If you control global shipping, you're the world's super power.

Russia taking over all of Germany would be kino 80+ years in the making

Nah. There will be war when russia move to close the Polish gap and to secure the baltic sea

>isn't mainly full of people who want to join China
a lot of their politicians are however, one of their major political parties is pro-unification
and what better time to become a global pariah than when Russia is the current global pariah?

It's meaningless though. So long as it's just shabbos goys that are in charge it doesn't matter if NATO, the US, or the EU come out on top. The only way things will truly change in the west is either through nationalist revolution or if a non-pedo-cult politician or general in a high enough position takes advantage of the chaos and pulls a coup on the zog puppets.

China doesn't want to do a violent takeover of Taiwan because it will actually be war and they don't want to get hit by export bans, export bans are the nuclear sanctions basically. They'd rather do it like with Hong Kong, a diplomatic takeover

If Taiwan comes under CCP control further down the line when the global order comes apart they'd probably get away with it. Taiwan is basically the global red line and if they got away with it, the "order" would be officially over


The irony of pol complaining about pedos never fails to amuse me.

The US fucking around in Ukraine is probably a case of NGOs agitating harder than they were originally supposed to. Perhaps the US will keep trouble makers like Soros on a shorter leash from now on.

It's easy to say everyone is ZOG but clearly that's not true, but the ones you generally consider ZOG are there purely because of finance. If global finance completely collapses they're going to run like rats

>but Trump is retarded and didn't realize that NATO is designed to keep Europe weak.
oh woowww, trump is a jewish oligarch imperialist globalist that hates american citizens as a rich person? color me surprised